Open thoughts:
I have yet to talk with anyone in Christian leadership that doesn’t believe that the church is going to face dramatic and difficult times in the years ahead, even if they may not agree how those hard times will manifest themselves. One would be a fool to believe hard times are coming and do nothing to prepare. So, in the year to come we will as a congregation prepare for what may be difficult times to come.
As we consider what the church in our nation and in our community might face in terms of persecution it might be helpful to consider that persecution is one word to describe a spectrum of possible actions and reactions.
Discussion Point
Below is a continuum of persecution. As an exercise consider five or six ways that persecution might develop and place it on the continuum below.
The Continuum of Persecution
Attempts to remove the name of Christ or the church from society
Hot Persecution
Arrest, Prison, Torture, Death
There are some badly misguided ways to respond to hardship and persecution. Most of these responses are in one form or another to take matters into our own hands to solve problems of hardship or suffering.
In the history of the church, this has happened many times. In some cases, Christians have formed political parties, attempted to take over political parties and even formed paramilitary groups to resist what they saw as a threat to the faith. Just as bad, some Christians have compromised the truth in an attempt to appease and get along.
Discussion Point
As a group, discuss occasions in which you think the church has tried to solve spiritual challenges with earthly means? What actual results do you recall?
Sometimes these efforts are harmless. But too often they do more harm than good. People associate the Gospel with these misguided programs and never hear the Good News itself.
Frequently, these efforts and responses are motivated by fear. When we act out of fear we generally do not make good decisions. Perhaps that is why the most common command in the Bible is “Fear Not”. Even in the face of the most dreadful persecution we do not have anything that we need to fear.
The earliest Christians not only faced persecution, the church grew under the pressure of persecution. The books written by Peter, the Revelation of John and the book of Hebrews were written to Christians who were in one way or another facing persecution.
What we must do is restore the New Testament church’s life, witness and service
We can’t do that by hiding in isolation, forming a militia or selling out what we believe.
During the difficult early years of the church she grew dramatically. It is estimated that during the first 40 years of the church’s life she grew annually at a rate of 40%. That kind of growth is unheard of in any church or fellowship in the Western world today.
In the late 20th century the ‘Church Growth Movement’ helped churches experience some numerical growth. Unfortunately, the growth in numbers did not have attached to it growth in commitment, service, or discipleship.
Discussion Point
Talk about a time you have been part of a rapidly growing church. What was it like? If you can, put into words any excitement you felt.
Unlike the church growth movement, the early church had growth in every aspect of their life. They had this different kind of growth because they had a different spirit/attitude and it is one that we can rekindle.
Bible Study: 2 Timothy 1:6-12
Have someone read these verses and then reread verses 6-7.
Discussion Point
What part can we play in utilizing the gift or gifts that God has given us? How might we do that?
Based on the first part of verse 7 why is this needed?
Note: In the New Testament Greek there are no capital letters to designate a proper from an improper noun. In the case of the word “spirit” most interpreters believe that this refers to our attitude or personal disposition.
The word ‘timidity’ in verse 7 would be better translated as ‘Cowardice’. This is the only time this word is used in the Bible. In non-Biblical Greek the word is universally negative. There were few insults in the Greco-Roman culture more offensive than to call someone a coward. The courageous may die once, but the coward dies every day of their fear-driven life.
In contrast, Paul gives three words that describe the spirit or attitude that we as believers enjoy. These are three descriptions of one spirit not three. This spirit is described as a spirit of:
Power: "inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth"
Love: “affection, good-will, love, benevolence: Of the love of men to men; especially of that love of Christians toward Christians which is enjoined and prompted by their religion, whether the love be viewed as in the soul or as expressed. an affectionate spirit, used of God for man, Christ for man, man for God.
Discipline: A calling to soundness of mind, to moderation and self-control. Well- balanced from God’s perspective.
Discussion Point
Which of these do you think best describes your personal life as a disciple?
What evidence do you have for that conviction?
Which of these do you think best describe the life of our church?
Which of these would you most like to see develop in your life? In your church?
Our goal for preparation for the possibility of persecution
The best way to prepare for any hardship in our life as a disciple is to grow in these three areas. If we make progress in each of these areas and persecution comes, we will be prepared. If persecution never happens to us we will be better prepared for life as a disciple by being strong in a spirit of power, love and self-control.
Through the centuries the church has taught some simple disciplines that help a disciple grow in their walk, such disciplines as worship, Bible reading/study/memorization, meditation, fasting, prayer, confession, silence. This is by no means a complete list of all Chrisitian disciplines.
Discussion Point
Which of these disciplines do you believe is the best way for you to grow in the inherent power you have as a disciple?
Which of these disciplines do you believe is the best way for you to grow in the love you can express as a disciple?
Which of these disciplines do you believe is the best way for you to grow in the self- control you need as a disciple?
In the year to come, what are the two or three things you will do to grow in your life as a disciple?