Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon and links for additional information
Living Like a Disciple in Crazy Times: Learning the Power of the Authority of Scripture
Memory verse: All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be fully capable, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
The importance of ideas cannot be overstated. The values and opinions of intellectuals, entertainers and educators will shape us without us realizing it. How do we develop and maintain a Biblical worldview? See Romans 12:1-2
The anti-human mindset that we see today was predictively described by C. S. Lewis in his 1944 novel That Hideous Strength. This book ought to be read by everyone.
The Scriptures are literally breathed out by God. How do you think God’s breathing into man to make him a living being works with His breathing out His Word for us?
Paul said that all Scripture is profitable/beneficial/advantageous for us. The word carries the meaning of working well, fitting together. How have you seen God’s Word fit the circumstances of your life for your advantage?
Can you articulate the subtle differences between teach, rebuke, correct, and training as Paul describes it in verse 16? Who can do that in your life?
What do you think would happen if a soldier went into battle without taking their gear with them? Do you ever go into the day without being equipped with what God’s Word has for you?
Scripture and prayer are absolutely critical for two way communication with God. What might happen if there is an absence of Scripture? What might happen if there is an absence of prayer?
As we approach Easter consider extended meditation time on the crucifixion and your role in it. Keep asking the question “Why?” at every turn of the story.
Additional Resources
This is the video with which we opened our service.
Here is a short video about the importance of understanding the inerrancy of Scripture.
Here is one of my favorite Youtubers reviewing the faith of Lady Gaga. She is an example of how confused a person can become when their faith is not grounded on Scripture.
This is a link to a discussion by Jordan Peterson about the environmental movement. It is pertinent because it shows how the anti-human ideals have taken root in this area of academia.