Sunday, April 23, 2023

Charlie's Challenge 4.23.23

  Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon and links for additional information

Why are we here?  To Be Adopted.

Memory verse:   And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts crying, “Abba Father”. Galatians 4:6

When you think of Old Testament Bible Heroes, who do you think of first?

Using your favorite Bible app look up and read everything you can about John the Baptist.  What stands out most about John to you?

Have you ever been an outsider, who was invited to become an insider?  What was that like for you?

Does Jesus’ comment in Luke 7:28 strike you as odd?  Why?

The disciple’s superior position over John is the result not of works we do but of the work God does.  What lesson is Jesus trying to get across?

Links and additional information you might find interesting;

Here is a video that gives some context to the book of Galatians.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Going Dark

 Going Dark

For the next couple of weeks I will be going dark, at least as far as social media and blogging are concerned.  You can follow me on Facebook if you like and see what we are up to, but even that will likely be pretty sparse.  Due to confidentiality issues, HEPA, NSA security clearances, and a lot of alphabet soup agencies I can’t tell you exactly why, but below you will find four scenarios from which you may choose the one you want to believe.

Scenario #1:  I have been contacted by the Ambassador of the Grand Galactic Confederacy and have accepted their position as Great Pooba. I will, for the next few weeks, sort out three interstellar wars and bring peace to inner stellar space.  While a few weeks may not seem like enough time to do this, we will be working in a different dimension and time space continuum and so I should have plenty of time.

Scenario #2: I am going deep undercover with a super secret spy agency.  It is so secret that very few know about the Department Under Massive Bureaucracy aka DUMB.   I will be doing all kinds of cool James Bond stuff, the only beautiful woman involved is Lorie, (that is why she will also be out of touch).  We will be busy saving the world from a radioactive, zombie-causing vaccine.  With our new and highly tricked out motorcycle we should be done within the month.


Scenario #3:  We are closing on our house next week and so we are going to be moving a lot of stuff around, signing a bunch of papers and trying to figure out where we will be living next.  Selling your home without a place to move is where the real adventure begins.  Hopefully, this will all be happily resolved in 3 or 4 weeks.

Scenario #4;  I have completely run out of opinions to share.  My opinionation program is down.  Until I get my opinion generator started up again I have nothing to say. As I say from time to time, “I am rarely right, but I am always confident.”  Well, I need some new opinions.  When I find one or ten, you can be sure I will be back online telling people what to think.

See you in a few weeks.  


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Charlie's Challenge: 4/16/23

  Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon and links for additional information

Why are we here?  To be a living stone.

Memory verse:   But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who has called you out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light. 1 Peter 2: 9 

How to live as a living stone

Here are 11 descriptions of ways that we can be a living sacrifice:

Romans 12:1-2  Daily Living 

Philippians 2:16  Faith

Hosea 14:2  Repentance

Hebrews 13:15  Praise/Confession

Hebrews 13:16  Sharing 

Psalm 107:22  Joy filled thanks

Philippians 4:18  Sacrificial giving

Colossians 3:16  Songs, Hymns and Spiritual songs

Revelation 5:8  Prayer

2 Timothy 4:6  Faithful service in our calling

Ephesians 5:2  Living a life of love

List several ways that these sacrifices are better than the sacrifice of say, a bull or a sheep.

Which of these are you pretty good at?  Why do you think you do these well?

Which of these is a struggle for you to live and act out consistently?  Why is that  the case?

What can you do to improve in any particular area of weakness?  (Here is a hint: Don’t think about the actions so much as the motivation to act or not act)

Links and additional information you might find interesting;

Here is an excellent series on Priesthood, going into greater detail than we had time for on Sunday morning.

Friday, April 14, 2023

The Argument for any sexual behavior you may want.

On the website of the American Psychological Association there is a puff piece titled, “Understanding Homosexuality and Sexual Orientation”. It begins, “Since 1975, APA has called on psychologists to take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated with lesbian, gay, and bisexual orientations.”  What follows is a series of questions they ask and answer without any meaningful outside objective evidence or data that might challenge their predetermined conclusions.  There is a complete lack of transcendent truth or any considerations of revelation.  Here are a few of their questions and in parentheses my summation of their answers.

How do people know if they are lesbian, gay, or bisexual?

(They just felt it)

What causes a person to have a particular sexual orientation?

(No one knows)

What role does prejudice and discrimination play in the lives of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people?

(It is bad)

What is the psychological impact of prejudice and discrimination?

(It is really bad)

Is homosexuality a mental disorder?

(No, because we say so)

What about therapy intended to change sexual orientation from gay to straight?

(This is very, very bad, too)

I would expect nothing less from the APA.  However, I’m not going to argue against their position or conclusions.  I will, however, challenge their a priori assumptions and see if you think they will “...take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated…” with other sexual orientations.  The principles that the APA advocates can be applied to any sexual orientation.

For example Denise Frazier, 19, of Mississippi was arrested when a video surfaced of her having sex with a German Shepherd.  She claims that she was paid and forced to perform the sex act, but that has no bearing on the discussion of orientation.  So, then can we expect that the APA will some day begin to work toward the removal of the stigma of mental illness associated with beastiality? Once upon a time we might have said ‘no’, but with human depravity in the driver’s seat of establishing sexual norms, who is to say?

With the current push for the normalization of almost any sexual perversion in our world the business community is, in many cases, pandering to those supporting and advocating sexual deviation.  Hershey's Chocolate, Bud Light, Jack Daniels and even Build-a-Bear have all provided products or events to celebrate transgenderism.  There, of course, has been a backlash.  But before we side with Kid Rock cursing and shooting at Bud Light beer we need to insist that everyone (APA, Kid Rock and everyone else) acknowledge that there is one standard for sexual morality.  The One who created humanity in His image is the only one Who can determine sexual ethics, standards and norms.  And what was God’s intent?  One man and one woman married for one lifetime.  Any and everything else is a degradation of God’s design.  

As Christians living in a crazy world it is sometimes easy to get bothered by the latest sexual dysfunction to come down the pike.  But lest we become hypocrites let’s make sure that our lives and convictions reflect God’s design.  Can we hold with the same indignation for the ‘Christian’ couple having sex outside of marriage as the Tik Toc personality Dylan Mulvaney?  Are we as enraged by our own lust filled-fantasies as we are the rise of drag queens?

There are two kinds of sexual sinners, those who have repented and those who have not.  All of us fall into one of those two categories, Bill Clinton or Donald Trump, Kid Rock or Dylan Mulvaney, you or me.  Sinners come in two varieties; forgiven and unforgiven.  We should find sexual perversion revolting.  While remembering that all sexual expression outside of God’s plan is a perversion.  

Friday, April 7, 2023

Grasshoppers, Fungi and Mass Killers

A single spore from a mushroom is launched into the air.  It floats along, driven by wind currents and happily lands on a grasshopper.  This spore is about ½ of 500ths of an inch.  You would never see it nor would the grasshopper.  Once attached the fungi works its way into the hapless grasshopper.  Hijacking the muscles and the brain the grasshopper does things that are not in its best interest, but those things that serve the fungi within.  Driven by this internal force the grasshopper, almost against its will, climbs to a higher location.  There the fungi grows in power and control.  The grasshopper is powerless to stop the course of events.  Eventually, the grasshopper dies and the fungi extends out into a full mushroom and the cycle begins again. Honestly, this sounds like something from a horror movie.  But it is part of nature, possibly given to us as a metaphor for a spiritual truth.  

We sometimes hear the question, “Why are Christians so uptight about morality?”  We live in a world of notably laxed moral standards.  In fact, as disciples we are encouraged to fit into our world.   The powers of darkness have cast the term ‘puritanical’ as a nearly absolutely negative connotation.  So, what if we give in a little here or there?  Is that all that important?  In Ephesians 5:3-4 Paul writes,  “But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.” The New Testament is clear, in the life of the disciple there is not to be even a hint of immoral behavior.  In fact, because God is Holy we are called to be holy.

If you will, that little bit of sin and immoral pleasure that we safeguard and our flesh enjoys is not unlike the fungus spore to the grasshopper.  At first, it is unknown.  But once it takes root and becomes embedded in our heart and soul it will begin to take control.  It will direct our lives in ways that are not to our well being, but for the benefit of the enemy within.  How many people, who are well advanced in sin, will say, “I don’t know why I did that.”  The darkness within will spread its death and harm to others.  Sinners don’t hurt themselves alone.  The spore will always cause death, so sin will kill its host and in the process kill so many others.  

It is not hard to find moral outrage when there is mass carnage-the trafficking of vulnerable people, the abortion of the unborn, or a school shooting-but can we find the moral outrage for the sins that prompted the overt deadly behavior?  Many will decry and clamor for action to end human trafficking, but without the demand of customers there is no incentive to traffic people. 

Some years ago I had a friend who was a bouncer at a strip club in Atlanta.  One night he arrived for work to find an unexpectedly full parking lot.  He wasn’t aware of any conventions in town.  He noticed a lot of the cars were adorned with PK logos and more than a few had fish decals. It was a Promise Keepers event the next day that explained the unusually busy night. We can take a high moral stand about others’ sins.  But we tend to protect ours.  It is interesting to note that the mass shooters at Denver, Aberdeen, and Nashville all identified as transgender.  While not every transgender person becomes a mass killer, the dark power that directs their life will lead to death.  But can we lovingly tell our sexually confused society that anyway but God’s way is wrong, and will lead to death?

Scripture is clear about the link between sin and death, from the time of the Garden of Eden the message is the same, “The wages of sin is death” Romans 6:23.

Let’s make two points.  First, is our need to make a commitment to personal holiness.  Not simply a new set of rules to keep, but a genuine pursuit to live as God’s people.  Second, we must never compromise the fact that sin is not just a defiance of God, but is also the destruction of everyone infected by sin, so we will give no quarter to sin.  Forever loving the sinner, but hating even the least effort to expand the spore of sin.  

The alternative is ugly.  


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Charlie's Challenge: How do you get ready for Easter?

 Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon and links for additional information

How do you get ready for Easter?

Memory verse:   For he knew that because of envy they had delivered Him up.  Mt 27:18

Preparing for Easter

Recommended prayers and scriptures

Monday: Almighty God, Your Son did not first go to joy and glory, but first went to the cross and suffered.  By your mercy help us to not pursue our own desires first, rather help us to desire first what You will for our lives, through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord.  Amen.

John 12:1-12

Tuesday: Dear God, by the passion of your blessed Son you made death a tool to be used as a  means of life.  Help us to love the cross of Christ, so that we may gladly suffer shame and loss for the sake of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. 

John 12:20-36

Wednesday: Lord God, Your Son our Savior allowed his body to be whipped and his face to be spit upon.  Give us grace to joyfully accept the sufferings of the present time, confident of the glory that shall be revealed; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

John 13:21-32

Thursday: Almighty Father, Your Son, on the night before he suffered, gathered with His disciples.  Give us the wisdom to make the company of Your people the constant habit of our lives, that in the days of trial we will be strengthened by the fellowship of the godly.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

John 13:1-7, 31-35

Friday: Almighty God, we ask you to help us always remember that for our sake our Lord Jesus Christ was willing to be betrayed, and given into the hands of sinners, and to suffer death upon the cross.  In the name of the one who loved us. Amen.

John 18-19

Saturday: O God, Creator of heaven and earth in the same way that the crucified body of your Son waited in the tomb for His resurrection, help us to wait in the hope of His resurrection for His coming again in glory. In His name we pray. Amen.

Matthew 27:57-66

Links and additional information you might find interesting;

How do you like this for an Easter Celebration:

An excellent parody helps show why the resurrection is no hoax.