Sunday, January 3, 2016

Begin the new year by telling me what you think!

I love to write.  I also love the church and the ministry.  I hope that this blog is the intersection of those loves.  Over the last year I have addressed issues from the sublime to the ridiculous.  Some essays have been well received and others have had hostile reactions and, worst of all, some have been ignored altogether.  But I write anyway, just because I like to put my random ideas on paper, or whatever the digital equivalent happens to be.

However, in order to be more effective and useful, I want your help in knowing what would make a good article or essay in your opinion.  Tell me how I can help you in the New Year.   This survey is super short and will take you only a couple of minutes to complete.  I would be most thankful if you would be so kind as to share your opinion with me.

Now on a completely unrelated and frivolous subject. 
I bet what we do with our old Christmas tree is more exciting than what you do with yours.  I want to share with you the video of The Exploding Christmas Trees.  This has become our family tradition.  I want to include the Christmas tree Manifesto which reads as follows: 

“Never in the history of trees has the need been greater for a dignity movement for Christmas trees.

As Christmas trees we are loved, adored, decorated, photographed and made part of the family until Dec 26th.  Then we are thrown out like ripped wrapping paper.  We are tossed in ditches, thrown in landfills, sunk in ponds and treated with no respect.  We go from being the centerpiece of decoration to nothing in a matter of hours.

The time has come for us to receive the dignity we deserve in our passing.  We faithfully serve and bring cheer and we deserve better than to be thrown out like trash.  We deserve to go out with flash, flare and zing.

In solidarity with trees everywhere, we call for the great exploding Christmas tree to become the grand finale to the Christmas tree season.”


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