Monday, July 31, 2017

Mission to Aruba for only $10,000 a month.

One last look at the science of giving and how what our Lord said 2,000 years ago is being confirmed by modern science. Not long after I graduated from Bible college the PTL scandal became the talk of the nation.  The lavish lifestyles of the ministry leaders along with lurid tales of sexual misconduct were everything a journalist could hope for to fill a slot in the news hours.

One of the impacts of the PTL scandal has been to create a resistance for the church to talk openly and honestly about giving.  It is as if we live in fear that if we talk about money it could only be to enrich ministers and engage in doubtful ministry activities.   Many young church leaders who have no personal recollection of the PTL scandal or have ever heard of it have been profoundly shaped by it.  PTL is not the only scandal, but it and others like it hover in the corners of our churches like the ghost of Jacob Marley whenever we begin to talk about money.

It has even entered into our humor.  Please take a moment to enjoy the laughter.

When we ask people to give to and serve the church as we do the great work of the Gospel, we are calling them to a better life.  Your people might like to know that:
  • ·      People who provide practical help to others had a lower risk of dying over a five-year period than those who didn’t.
  • ·      Of those who volunteered the following was reported:

1.             76% felt physically healthier.
2.             94% reported an improved mood.
3.             78% felt less stress.
  • ·      Volunteer work is associated with high levels of overall satisfaction.
  • ·      88% of people who donated to charity report a greater satisfaction with life and a happiness level equal to having their income double.
  • ·      The greatest happiness of giving occurs when giving fosters social connection.  In the church we call that fellowship.
  • ·      Giving where your friends and family volunteer compounds the joy of giving.
  • ·      Getting a friend to help you motivates your giving as well.
  • ·      Coerced giving sucks the joy from giving.  God loves a cheerful giver…
  • ·      Not surprisingly, giving in the U.S. is strongest in deeply religious areas.  Four out of the five most generous states are in the Bible belt.  All five of the top giving states are deeply religious.

1.    Utah 10.6%
2.    Mississippi 7.2%
3.    Alabama 7.1%
4.    Tennessee 6.6%
5.    South Carolina 6.4%
  • ·      The least generous states also happen to be those with the least religious commitment.

1.    New Hampshire 2.5%
2.    Maine 2.8%
3.    Vermont 2.8%
4.    Massachusetts 2.8%
5.    Rhode Island 3.1%

The bottom line is this: Giving is a command to be obeyed and it is a blessing to be enjoyed.  When we are timid about calling God’s people to make meaningful sacrifices for the cause of Christ on earth we are robbing them of the blessings of submission to our Lord. 

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