Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Fourth of July is it time to stop praying "God Bless America"

The times are desperate: a crisis regarding judges, violence is rampant with attacks on innocent children not being out of the realm of possibility, the most gross forms of immorality displayed for all to see, sensationalism as a means of mass communication whips people into a frenzy.  Corruption in the spiritual life of the nation has left the majority of citizens with little or no confidence in the faith that was foundational.  With a decline in civil discourse a fratricidal killing if not civil war seems to be on the horizon.  There is talk of blood in the streets.  Of course I am not talking about today.  I am talking about the end of the book of Judges.   

As we look at the last several chapters of Judges we see a country that is beginning to come apart at the seams.  We see in many ways parallels of our own nation and our own time.  The social chaos that we see in Israel at the end of the book of Judges is related to and summed up in the last phrase of that book, “…everyone did what was right in their own eyes”.

When the individual is elevated above all else each man becomes his own god and presumes the ability to declare what is right for him without regard to its impact on others. We have made heroes of those that challenge authority.   Every action is a call for protestation and aggressive rhetoric.  A people where everyone is doing what is right in his or her own eyes is a people that is ripe for slaughter.  

Allow me to make three observations:

First, let us not forget that the beginning of the decline is in the failure of the people of faith to live out and pass on to the next generation the foundations of the faith.  The cycle of the book of Judges would not have been possible had it not been that in times of peace and prosperity those in positions of spiritual leadership failed to live up to their calling.  Samson, Gideon, Barak, their story is repeated through the book of Judges, in the good times the people of God became more interested in the good times than in the God who gave them.

Second, we must not call for moral and spiritual revival in order to save our nation and preserve our prosperity and safety!  God is not interested in being a pawn in our plans to save our country.  The Lord is not into nation building.  Freedom, security, prosperity and the like are wonderful by-products of a moral society.  THEY MUST NOT BE THE END!  The relationship with God is the End, the Gospel is the means, and the blessings are a by-product.  If the by-product doesn’t come to us we pursue the end of knowing God all the same.  If we try to pursue God for the by-product, we cannot expect to either meet God or obtain the by-product. 

Finally, our heritage is not our hope.  While I believe that the US has enjoyed some unique and special blessings from God, we need to remember we are not all that special. The nation of Israel had a much deeper and closer relationship with God than any nation in history.  From father Abraham, to the Law and Moses, to the special conquest of the Promised Land God blessed Israel in extraordinary and unique ways.  Nevertheless, God allowed them to fall into chaos, and didn’t bail them out when troubles began to surface.  Perhaps it is time for us to stop saying, “God bless America.”   Maybe we should pray, “God convict America, judge us that we might learn repentance.” 

We must not be surprised that we are spiraling toward chaos when everyone does what is right in his or her own eyes.  This is only nature.  From the beginning of Judges till the end of the book there is about 260 years.  From our Declaration of Independence till today is 242 years.  Maybe we are on schedule.  But the time line is much less important than what we do from here on.

So then, what are the next steps for us as disciples of Jesus, as communities of faith, and as witnesses of truth in a work where everyone does what is right in their own eyes? 

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