Sunday, January 15, 2023

Charlie's Challenges 1.15.23

Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon and links for additional information

Living Like a Disciple in Crazy Times: Where did I come from?

Sex, Marriage and Creation


Memory verse: That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Genesis 2:24


Have you had a heartfelt conversation with a LBGQT+ person?  If so, what was that like?  If not, why not?


What do you think would be the hardest part of having a conversation with an LBGQT+ person?


Would a LBGQT+ person have to change before you could become friends with them?


There are three steps to brainwashing: dependency, dissonance, and attitude change.  How are these like desensitization, jamming, and conversion?


Where can you identify an attempt by the world to reorder your thinking sexually?


Love without truth is useless

Truth without love is impotent

Truth with love is Grace




One of the best and most compassionate teachings of how to communicate with trans and gay people use this link


This is the website of a former lesbian who shares her story with grace:


For a short description of why homosexuality is so harmful use this link:


For an overview about Jesus’ position on homosexuality use this link:


An excellent but somewhat lengthy teaching about the educational goals of the homosexual community:


An excellent review of the homosexual manifesto (a.k.a. After the Ball)


Survey representing actual numbers of people who identify as part of the LGBQT+ community

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