Sunday, May 28, 2023

Charlie's Challenge 5.28.23

  Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon and links for additional information

Why are we here?  How can we Reign?

Memory verse:   Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1

Spirit has been defined as “Un-bodily personal power”.  How can that apply to life and faith?

Since Christians have been set free from the control or the power of the flesh, why is temptation still a very real struggle?

What does it mean for us to set our minds on “Things above”?

Some Chrsitians are accused of, “Being so heavenly minded they are no earthly good”.  What do you think that means?  How does heavenly mindedness work itself on earth?

In Romans 8:9 the word ‘You’ is plural (Y’all).  What role does being a part of a fellowship have in your life as a disciple?  Who is the person that could confront you if you were to begin to drift away?  Why might you or might you not listen to them?

Share the part of  Psalm 23 that most speaks to you regarding living with God as your King/Shepherd?

Links and additional information you might find interesting:

This is an older video and a little long but it is worth the time to watch. This is what happens when the church stops living as a community of faith and holiness.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Charlie's Challenge 5.21.23

  Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon and links for additional information

Why are we here?  To Reign in Life

Memory verse:   For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17

A diagnosis and a cure are not the same thing.  How does the Law serve to diagnose our problem with sin?  Why could it never be the cure?

We sometimes are pretty negative about the Law. Why do you think that is the case?

Since grace is the cure, why do you think people are often reluctant or resistant to the Gospel of Grace?

In Psalm 32:8 we see the words instruct and teach.  Instruction and teaching help us understand and discern God’s voice.  The word instruct means to be attentive to the details.  The word teach is a word associated with archery, it means pinpoint accuracy.  Understanding that, how hard is it to hear the voice of God if we have a sloppy or poor understanding of Scripture?

Our faith must not be our hobby if we are going to hear the voice of God.  On a scale of 1 to 10 honestly rate the following as the priorities of your life.  ____ Hobby 1  ____ Hobby 2 ___Family 

____ Job  ____ Personal peace and affluence ____ Christ 

Links and additional information you might find interesting:

Here is an old song that may reflect our lives better than we like:

Friday, May 19, 2023

We want the Bible to be like us.

 We want the Bible to be like us.

There are some things about the TV show The Chosen that I really like. Artistically, it is fabulous. The acting is really good. The dialogue and drama is actually pretty interesting and when you’ve seen a lot of Christian productions that are so bad that they are embarrassing. It's nice to see one that is of the highest quality. 

 At the same time that there's much about it that I admire, I noticed that it tends to project our culture and our ideas back on to the Biblical narrative.  You may recall that in the buildup to The Sermon on the Mount Jesus is preparing His thoughts with the help of Matthew as a scribe while the rest of the disciples are preparing for a big production. They have to find a location where there can be good visibility and a stage has to be built. Mary Magdalene and the other female characters are handwriting brochures or bulletins that will be passed out in the communities. Jesus' core disciples take these bulletins and go through the area passing them out and advertising the great speaking event that's about to happen.

 But what actually do we see in the Bible? If we look at Matthew 5:1-2 we read, “And when He saw the multitudes He went up on the mountain side and after He sat down His disciples came to Him. And He opened His mouth and He began to teach them saying.”  The Sermon on the Mount wasn't preached to a huge crowd that came as a result of an advertising program nor was it directed toward the population at large. Rather, The Sermon on the Mount was a teaching between Jesus and his disciples. At the end of the account in Matthew we see that there were “multitudes” who heard the sermon.  But there is no indication that they were invited to come listen.  

So, where did the director or producers of “The Chosen” find the model of a big event that is advertised in the community to draw in as many people as possible? It didn't come from the Bible so it had to come from somewhere. What's depicted in “The Chosen” is an awful lot like what we see in modern-day Church marketing/advertising/marketing. If you're going to launch a church, you have a big event with a big stage and a big display and a lot of advertising beforehand. What was depicted in “The Chosen” reflects our culture and expectations projected and superimposed on the Biblical narrative.  

But rather than beat up on “The Chosen” let’s stop and look at our lives.  In how many ways do we press our expectations onto Scripture?  Where do we think that the way we do it is a Biblical pattern, when, in fact, it is not?  In some cases, these expectations are harmless in and of themselves.  But they set a precedent of carelessness that can produce problems later on.  I was once called to task for performing “secret baptisms”.  A man decided to become a Christian and he didn’t want to wait till Sunday to be baptized.  He wanted his sins washed away that night.  On short notice a few folks met us at the church building and he was buried with Christ then and there.  But in the mind of my accuser the time for baptisms is Sunday morning after the last song.  

I once heard an off hand comment to the effect, “If we had a building we would be a real church.”  The oldest known church building, the Dura-Europos church building, was an ordinary home converted to a place of worship about 200 years after the church began on the day of Pentecost.  Were all the churches during the first 200 years not “real churches''?

My point is not to beat up on misinformed people.  It is, however, to call us all to constantly examine our life, faith and practice and see if the things we assume to be absolute are not merely conveniences or customs with which we are too comfortable.  To be effective in this self evaluation we must constantly be examining, reading, and reflecting on scripture.  We can never be the people of the Book if we are never in the book


Thursday, May 11, 2023

Coming back from going dark

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I was going dark. Well, I am coming back to the light.  As you may know Lorie and I closed on the home we have for the last two years been working on, Brookwood Manor .  Today, I want to share a few reflections on this experience.  I am very glad we did this, but I wouldn’t want to do it again, at least not any time soon.


Renovating a home you are living in is very difficult.  Aside from the chaos of living in a construction zone there is the added challenge of not being able to leave the work site.  Construction 9 to 5 is hard enough, but when you live in it there is a strong temptation to work just a little longer.  Before you know it is 10:00 pm and you still have to clean up, eat supper and get to bed.

Estimates on a project might be better called vague wild guesses.  Only one project came close to my guess.  In some cases, I over estimated the cost, generally I underestimated.  Bidding a project is a skill that needs to be respected.  

There are no simple projects.  It seemed that to do a project you had to do three or four other things to get set up to do the job.  Everything was in everything else’s way.  A clear open work space is essential and also next to impossible.  

It is easy to get spread too thin.  I have a hard time remembering that I am as old as I am.  In my mind, I think I can work like 30 year old Charlie.  He is gone and isn’t coming back.  I would just push on till I wasn’t able to go any further.  The cumulative effect of 2 years of working up to the edge isn’t good.

Most importantly, God knows what He is talking about.  My formula was to do the work part time as a minister 4 days a week.  I would then work part time renovating the house 3 days a week.  In my ego I had it worked out this way: ministry was a rest from construction, construction was a rest from ministry.  That is what my pride and ego argued.  My body, soul, mind and spirit came to a different conclusion.  Even before the project ended I noticed that I was less creative, had fewer reserves, was much more negative and likely to be more critical.  My beloved noticed I was less loveable and fun to be around.  

The Eternal and Almighty God found reason to enjoy His creation on the seventh day.  He felt like it was so important that He commanded that we do the same.  My formula for rest was clearly a facade that covered my agenda and a growing problem.

I didn’t realize how bad it was till we moved out and did the closing.  God gave us a great thing when He gave us adrenaline.  But abuse any drug long enough and it will catch up with you.  In the days after the closing I realized something was wrong.  I’m better now, but the nature of the problems was significant.  I got to the point where I was thinking of going to the ER.  Chest pain on the left side, down the arm up the neck, stomach pain across the abdomen down both sides of the torso, fatigue that was so debilitating that I could hardly walk, and a back pain from the mid back to the skull.  I took a couple of days off and found out how depleted I was.  While not fully recovered I now have a plan to restore what was lost. I do not regret our project, and I might do it again.  But if I do I am sure I will do a lot of things differently.  As Grandpa Lymon says, “Wisdom is just being stupid less often.”

So, let me ask you, and please share with me, “What is your actual plan for rest, renewal and enjoying the good things of God?”

If you want to see the restoration of Brookwood Manor click here.  The Brookwood Manor Makeover

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Charlie's Challenge 5.7.23

 Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon and links for additional information

Why are we here?  To Be An Ambassador.

Memory verse:   Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 2 Cor 5:20

Aside from the recent Bud Light fiasco can you recall a market stunt that went terribly wrong?

When have you seen churches diminish or lessen the message of the Gospel by publicity or marketing stunts?  

What might be the difference between advertising and marketing?

Why do you think Jesus commanded the church to go to the world, but never commanded the world to go to church?

If you know someone who is not a Christian how could you be an Ambassador on God’s behalf to them?

Agree or disagree:  One reason that young adults are not interested in the church is because the church is not focused on ultimate spiritual matters.  Why do you feel that way?

Links and additional information you might find interesting;

See 10:45 and following