Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon and links for additional information
The Beginning of Us!
Memory verse: They continued in amazement and great perplexity, saying to one another, “What does this mean?” Acts 2:12
Text of the day Acts 2:1-42
The sermon was built around three questions for studying the Bible
What does this passage teach about man?
In this passage some of the lessons we learned about man were:
We sometimes don’t understand what God is doing?
It is sometimes hard to shift our paradigm. V. 14
People need an outside authority. (Peter’s appeal to scripture) v 16
Can you identify with any of these? Which ones and why?
What does this passage teach us about God?
God is not acting in secret. When does it feel like God is acting in secret?
God sometimes works great things in what appear to be mundane events. When is a time in your life where something that seemed mundane had great spiritual impact?
God adds people to the church. How does this help us understand what it means to be part of a church?
What are we going to do with this knowledge?
Speaking out is a great application of this passage. How, where, and when can you speak out?
Being different should be obvious. What is the opposite of being different? In what ways does the world pressure us into being spineless?
Being open to God’s Spirit is another great application. When was the last time you felt a strong conviction for something you said, did or thought? What did you do about it?
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