Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon
The Church and the World in conflict: Remain Faithful
Key verse:
Then God's temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple. There were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail. Revelation 11:19
Questions to ponder chapter 8
It has been said that prayer is the most difficult discipline to develop in the Christian life. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
We have heard the cliché that Prayer Changes Things. Do we really believe that? Our prayer life reflects our conviction about the power and effectiveness of Prayer. So what does your prayer life say about your conviction that prayer is profoundly powerful?
Questions to ponder chapter 9
How amazing is God's love that even those men who are in deep darkness are called to repentance by the self-inflicted misery of the darkness they have chosen? Where do you see examples of self-inflicted Darkness making people miserable but they are still unwilling to repent?
When we dabble with the demonic and the powers of Darkness God honors our choice. Where do you see our society dabbling with the powers of Darkness? Where is the church dabbling with the powers of the flesh? Is there any place where you are as an individual flirting with the power of evil?
Questions to ponder chapter 10
How comfortable are you with knowing there are some things about your life, future, and world you are never meant to know? We say we can accept them in faith, but how do you feel knowing that unknown experiences of bitter suffering maybe part of God’s plan for you?
How would the full disclosure of the cost of being a follower of Christ before we became a Christian make us better more fully committed disciples? Do you believe that the promise of a better like now results in followers of Christ lacking commitment to Him when times or tough? Why or why not?
Questions to ponder chapter 11
No culture is static; they are all in change. Do you believe that our culture is becoming more hostile or more accepting toward the Word of God and the Church?
With prison and death a prospect that we as American Christians will not likely face soon, what forms of persecution are we most likely to face?
What is the best way to respond to that attacks of our society on the Church and the Word of God?
What practical steps can you take now to prepare for growing persecution?
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