Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Would you be so kind as to share your opinion with me in a short survey?

This afternoon I completed what I call an exegetical devotional on the Gospels. I divided the gospels into 300 subsections and wrote an exegetical devotional focusing on discipleship based on each of those 300 sections. I find too many devotionals will take a single verse of Scripture out of context and distort what it means and develop, at times, rather strange applications.   The focus of this devotional is intentionally focused on living as a disciple based on the text of the Gospels. While the devotionals are not technical from time to time they do dabble in Greek text and vocabulary.  Using this format a person will have 25 short studies per month and we'll cover the four Gospels in one year.

This devotional book is a long way from being ready. There's a lot of proofing and editing that has to be done before I would consider it a rough draft. However, I do want your opinion about what is the best presentation for a devotional. Below you will find a short survey, which will help me during the editing process to determine the best format for sharing this material. If you would be so kind, please take a few moments and fill out the survey in the link below.

Thank you for your help.

In the Cause of Christ


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