write about Revelation?
if Revelation was actually easy to understand?
What if it made sense to people who are not part of an esoteric elite
with secret knowledge? What if the point
of the book is not a forward-looking timeline, but rather, a picture book to
explain what is going on in the world at all times and how we can live
faithfully as disciples in every age?
What if we, rather than look around the world for harbingers of the end,
we used this book to look into our own hearts?
What if rather than events that only a few can understand, Revelation is
about understanding Who our Savior is?
the last book of the Bible is reduced to chronological perditions that are all
but impossible to understand we have missed the whole point of the book.
I told a friend that I was going to write about Revelation he looked at me as
if I were crazy. Another treatise on Revelation always seems to arouse
suspicion. I think that is because
Revelation has often been reduced to a forward-facing timeline-if only we can
figure out the secret key to unlock the mystery. Everyone who knows me knows
that I am neither smart enough to have secret information nor holy enough to
have special revelation. Revelation
should be for every follower of Christ.
am not writing this to argue for my millennial position; that will become
obvious. But you will not find this a compelling apologetic for or against any
millennial opinion. Some who read this
will believe I am wrong on this matter.
Those people are entitled to be wrong, just as I too am entitled to be
wrong. This point of opinion is less
important than living like a disciple, which is what I most want to encourage.
if we disagree with the meaning of the millennia, let’s at least rescue this
wonderful book from the sensationalized, Hollywood-isk-religio-entertainment
complex and return it to its rightful place. That is calling Christians in
every age to love and serve our Savior, the Hero of all history and our story,
Jesus Christ.
a free copy of this book please go to:
the Cause of Christ
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