Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Clergy Killers and Motorcycles

Most of us are aware of the concept of “Clergy Killer” or “Well-Intentioned Dragon”.  They are the people in our congregation that for some reason or another are highly antagonistic toward the minister or someone in the church.  I want to take this concept to a different level.  I have known of one minister’s wife who was actually killed by a church member. I know of a couple of others who have received death threats in one form or another.  But I want to share with you a photo of some evangelists in India.  You will note that their faces are hidden.  You see, if this photo made it to social media and by chance their identity became known, “Clergy Killer” could become very literal.  Ministry is tough here, but compared to these men our work is a walk in the park. 

You will notice that these men are praying over one of the tools of their ministry.  For us a motorcycle is really recreational, that is if we use it.  For these men a motorbike is the best way to reach some areas where they take the Gospel. A journey on foot that could take all day or even several is now accessible within an hour or two.  But there are men who are still making their journey on foot. There are men who need a motorbike, not as a hobby or for fun, but as a vital part of their ministry. 

So, here is how these all come together.  I am volunteering to help a mission organization in India (midindia.org) provide motorcycles for evangelists and church planters.  However, the evangelist simply cannot afford to purchase a bike.  This is where you and I come in.  My goal is to raise the funds to purchase 10 motorcycles before Christmas for these ministers.  I want to lead off this effort with stateside ministers.  You, my readers can help.  I am asking you to please help. Will you help me?  Or I should say, “Will you help these ministers advance the Gospel in India?”

The purchase of a bike in India is about $1,000.  Most of us have hobbies that cost many times that. If we count the cost of all that is involved in our hobbies I think an honest valuation will easily exceed $1,000. These little street/dirt bikes can take these preachers to remote places you can't reach by plane, train or 4- wheel drive.   

This is what I will ask you to do.  Pray for these men and their need.  Then give as generously as you can.  Would you give a gift equal to 1/2 the value of your bike?  Would you give $1,000?  Can you give $500?  Can you give any amount to this worthwhile cause?  One of my favorite stewardship stories is of a guy in Kentucky who, convinced of his church's need, donated his almost brand-new Harley Davidson FLHTC to the church for them to sell and use the money.   Loving to ride as I do I know what a sacrifice that was.  Would the Lord ask you to sell an extra or unused bike you might have and turn those dollars into ministry?  May I paraphrase Luke 3:11, "Then John said, "Dude, if you have got two bikes, then give one to the man who doesn't have one..."

FULL DISCLOSURE:  Please read carefully
1. I am not being paid as a stewardship consultant to do this project.  I am doing this because I believe in the eternal impact of this mission.
2. This letter and request comes from me and not Mid-India.  If you find it overly blunt or offensive take that up with me; it is not Mid-India's fault.
3. I am giving to this personally.  I am planning to give 25% of the value of my Harley to this project by year's end.  If I have to sell the bike to do that I will.    
4. DO NOT send any money to me!  Send all funds directly to Mid-India.  For details on how to do so contact Kathy Sparks. Kathy@midindia.org.  If you wish to give your bike to the mission for them to sell I will come and get it and ride it down to them.  (I am just that nice of a guy)
5. This is not the end.  Will you please share this effort with your contacts, friends, fishing, riding, or shooting buddies?  You will likely hear more about this as I expand the audience to which I am making this appeal.  

In closing, let me ask that you overlook my weaknesses and failings and consider the great cause of which we are a part and help our fellow ministers as they plant churches in India.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The High Ground is Available. If you are interested

I will admit I am learning to dislike politics more and more.  Sorry if that makes me a bad person or unpatriotic.  Someone once said, “A statesman is a dead politician, we need more statesmen and fewer politicians.”  I know this reflects my cynicism and my political philosophy as a mini-archist, i.e. the least possible government the better.  But that conversation I will save for another time. 

Last Tuesday night the State of the Union address demonstrated how the high ground is apparently vacant.  In full disclosure I did not watch the address.  Before the speech began I was attending to Beowulf.  Somewhere between Grendel having his arm pulled off and the celebration that followed I went to sleep.  However, I did see two video clips that prompt me to say, “The High Ground is available.”  Apparently, after handing Speaker Pelosi a paper copy of his intended remarks Speaker Pelosi offered her hand to the President, which he avoided, in an apparent snub.  Perhaps he was so focused on getting to the speech that it was an innocent oversight.  If that were the case a simple apology would be appropriate.  The President didn’t shake hands with the V.P. either so maybe it wasn’t a snub.  But I don’t think anyone will doubt that President Trump is capable of spiteful behavior toward those who offend him. Once the speech was over Speaker Pelosi made what appeared to be a show of tearing up the paper copy of the speech.  By her own admission this was a public display of her contempt for his words, and very likely his person.

Let me share my perspective for just a moment.   Two very powerful individuals who are supposedly mature are making a public display of tit for tat.  Sadly, both sides of the political divide seem to enjoy shaming the other, while justifying their own. 

Consider the following expressions to wrong suffered.

One side might say, “After what she has done I wouldn’t shake her hand, I might wring her neck, but not shake her hand.”

The other might retort, “That speech was trash, it belonged in the garbage the Speaker was just getting it ready for the can.”

But my King says, “Father, forgive them they do not know what they do.”

If we like to hear a political leader invoke God’s blessing on our nation, “God Bless America”, is it too much to ask that they treat courteously those with whom they disagree?  Speaker Pelosi has said she ‘prays for the President”, the President will use the language of faith at key moments in speeches.  But despite their public appeal and affirmations of their faith they both, and they represent both sides so accurately, manage to leave the high ground.  But after all you don’t find mud for slinging on the high ground.

There is a legend that after one of his victorious battles Alexander the Great was holding court.  One young soldier was brought before him on the charge of fleeing in the face of the enemy.  Typically the penalty for such behavior is death.  But the great general was moved by compassion for the young and frightened boy.  Speaking to the boy in a soothing tone he asked, “What is your name?”   The young soldier hanging his head mumbled, “Alexander”.  Then Alexander the Great paused for a moment and then thundered, “I ask you what is your NAME?!”  The boy snapped to attention and said loud and clear, “Alexander, sir.”  To which Alexander stepped forward, grabbed the boy by the collar of his tunic and yelled, “CHANGE YOUR NAME OR CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR!!!”  Then shoving the boy to the ground sent him away.

I do not believe that we can all just get along and that by some magical warm and fuzzy moment find our disagreements suddenly resolved.  But what I do believe is that if we are going to dare invoke the blessings of God on our nation we can demand that our leaders express grace and love towards those with whom they disagree.  We either need to change the name of the deity we invoke or change the way we behave.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Can "The Apocalypse" ever be understood?

Why write about Revelation? 

What if Revelation was actually easy to understand?  What if it made sense to people who are not part of an esoteric elite with secret knowledge?  What if the point of the book is not a forward-looking timeline, but rather, a picture book to explain what is going on in the world at all times and how we can live faithfully as disciples in every age?  What if we, rather than look around the world for harbingers of the end, we used this book to look into our own hearts?  What if rather than events that only a few can understand, Revelation is about understanding Who our Savior is?
When the last book of the Bible is reduced to chronological perditions that are all but impossible to understand we have missed the whole point of the book.

When I told a friend that I was going to write about Revelation he looked at me as if I were crazy. Another treatise on Revelation always seems to arouse suspicion.  I think that is because Revelation has often been reduced to a forward-facing timeline-if only we can figure out the secret key to unlock the mystery. Everyone who knows me knows that I am neither smart enough to have secret information nor holy enough to have special revelation.   Revelation should be for every follower of Christ.

I am not writing this to argue for my millennial position; that will become obvious. But you will not find this a compelling apologetic for or against any millennial opinion.  Some who read this will believe I am wrong on this matter.  Those people are entitled to be wrong, just as I too am entitled to be wrong.  This point of opinion is less important than living like a disciple, which is what I most want to encourage.

Even if we disagree with the meaning of the millennia, let’s at least rescue this wonderful book from the sensationalized, Hollywood-isk-religio-entertainment complex and return it to its rightful place. That is calling Christians in every age to love and serve our Savior, the Hero of all history and our story, Jesus Christ. 

For a free copy of this book please go to:  

In the Cause of Christ
Charlie Crowe