Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The High Ground is Available. If you are interested

I will admit I am learning to dislike politics more and more.  Sorry if that makes me a bad person or unpatriotic.  Someone once said, “A statesman is a dead politician, we need more statesmen and fewer politicians.”  I know this reflects my cynicism and my political philosophy as a mini-archist, i.e. the least possible government the better.  But that conversation I will save for another time. 

Last Tuesday night the State of the Union address demonstrated how the high ground is apparently vacant.  In full disclosure I did not watch the address.  Before the speech began I was attending to Beowulf.  Somewhere between Grendel having his arm pulled off and the celebration that followed I went to sleep.  However, I did see two video clips that prompt me to say, “The High Ground is available.”  Apparently, after handing Speaker Pelosi a paper copy of his intended remarks Speaker Pelosi offered her hand to the President, which he avoided, in an apparent snub.  Perhaps he was so focused on getting to the speech that it was an innocent oversight.  If that were the case a simple apology would be appropriate.  The President didn’t shake hands with the V.P. either so maybe it wasn’t a snub.  But I don’t think anyone will doubt that President Trump is capable of spiteful behavior toward those who offend him. Once the speech was over Speaker Pelosi made what appeared to be a show of tearing up the paper copy of the speech.  By her own admission this was a public display of her contempt for his words, and very likely his person.

Let me share my perspective for just a moment.   Two very powerful individuals who are supposedly mature are making a public display of tit for tat.  Sadly, both sides of the political divide seem to enjoy shaming the other, while justifying their own. 

Consider the following expressions to wrong suffered.

One side might say, “After what she has done I wouldn’t shake her hand, I might wring her neck, but not shake her hand.”

The other might retort, “That speech was trash, it belonged in the garbage the Speaker was just getting it ready for the can.”

But my King says, “Father, forgive them they do not know what they do.”

If we like to hear a political leader invoke God’s blessing on our nation, “God Bless America”, is it too much to ask that they treat courteously those with whom they disagree?  Speaker Pelosi has said she ‘prays for the President”, the President will use the language of faith at key moments in speeches.  But despite their public appeal and affirmations of their faith they both, and they represent both sides so accurately, manage to leave the high ground.  But after all you don’t find mud for slinging on the high ground.

There is a legend that after one of his victorious battles Alexander the Great was holding court.  One young soldier was brought before him on the charge of fleeing in the face of the enemy.  Typically the penalty for such behavior is death.  But the great general was moved by compassion for the young and frightened boy.  Speaking to the boy in a soothing tone he asked, “What is your name?”   The young soldier hanging his head mumbled, “Alexander”.  Then Alexander the Great paused for a moment and then thundered, “I ask you what is your NAME?!”  The boy snapped to attention and said loud and clear, “Alexander, sir.”  To which Alexander stepped forward, grabbed the boy by the collar of his tunic and yelled, “CHANGE YOUR NAME OR CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR!!!”  Then shoving the boy to the ground sent him away.

I do not believe that we can all just get along and that by some magical warm and fuzzy moment find our disagreements suddenly resolved.  But what I do believe is that if we are going to dare invoke the blessings of God on our nation we can demand that our leaders express grace and love towards those with whom they disagree.  We either need to change the name of the deity we invoke or change the way we behave.

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