Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon and links for additional information
Living Like a Disciple in Crazy Times: Married for better and best
Memory verse: However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. Eph 5:33
Do you believe that the principals of a Chrsitian marriage can work if non-Christians try to apply them? Why or why not?
Women: Sarah called Abraham lord or master. If you are a wife would you ever consider doing that? Why or why not? Now read I Peter 3:1-6. How does this affect the way you think about respect?
Men: What kind of character and man would you need to be that your wife respects you so much she would want to call you her lord? On a scale of 1-10 how close are you to being that kind of man? What do you need to do to take your game up a notch or two?
Men, how are you doing as the priest of your family pleading their case before God? How are you doing at the prophet in your home speaking God’s truth in your home? How do you need to improve in these two areas?
Why are both modernist and traditional views of the relationship between husbands and wives inadequate for a Christian marriage?
Links and additional information you might find interesting;
An outstanding discussion of the role of women in the Old Testament.
A top New Testament scholar talks about the roles of men and women. I wanted to address this text this week and did not have the time. So here is something much better than anything I might have offer.
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