Sunday, March 5, 2023

Charlie's Challenge 3.5.23

 Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon and links for additional information

Living Like a Disciple in Crazy Times: Longing for Eden

Memory verse:  The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15

What about the Garden of Eden do you think would have been most delightful?

How do you try to get back to Eden?

What are some crazy ways that you have seen people trying to return to Eden?

Does it make sense to you that the creation account in Genesis is both historic and symbolic?  What possibilities does this open up for your understanding of Scripture and creation?

If a temple is the place where a deity dwells, where is God’s temple on earth today?  Please explain your answer.

What is your opinion of the Asbury Awakening?  What are some of the possible benefits?  What if any are the pitfalls with these kinds of events?

Since you were made to be in the presence of God, how should that affect your priorities and choices?  Where should you look for the presence of God on earth?  (Here is a hint: Acts 2:42)

Links and additional information you might find interesting;

Here is an interesting article about the growth in wilderness recreation that accompanied social discontent.

An article about being at home in the out-of-doors.,the%20natural%20light%20around%20it.

Quotes about nature from a number of perspectives.

Article on the effects of grounding.  Some Christians think this practice is effective because man was formed out of the earth.,healing%2C%20and%20reduce%20blood%20viscosity.

An excellent video series about the role of priest.  It begins with Eden.

Excellent article about the Asbury Awakening.

This is my Father’s World.

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