Sunday, June 11, 2023

Charlie's Challenges 6.11.23

  Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon and links for additional information

Hearing God is more direct than we think.

Memory verse:  And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

Have you ever felt like communication with God was through a dial-up modem?  How did that change for you?

In what ways might the god of this world attempt to blind our minds?  What can we do to work against that?

Samuel didn’t know what the call of God would be like, and Elijah expected something different.  How can we become attuned to the actual voice of God and not miss it by ignorance or misguided expectation?

Why do you think our general reaction to the Law is negative?  What can we do to gain a proper perspective about the Law?

God speaks to us by the Word and the Spirit working in our thoughts.  Do you think that is more like a wind storm, blast of fire, earthquake, or whispering voice? Why do you think we generally expect God’s word for us to be ultra dramatic?

Think about the connection between the mind and the body.  In view of Romans 12:1-2 how might our bodies mislead our minds or our minds mislead our bodies?

We need to listen carefully and with humility.  How do we express those two traits?

What are some of the things that describe the word we receive from God?

Links to outside resources that might be of interest.

Interesting article about the new speed record for digital communication:

VBS just for fun

Strong words for the church

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