Friday, June 2, 2023

Suggestion on how to celebrate Pride Month, it is in the last paragraph.

 It seems that our society has lost its mind regarding all issues sexual.  While the statements of scripture are pretty simple and straightforward. What we hear in popular culture is confused and chaotic.  This week begins gay pride month in the U.S. In the year of Target, Bud Light boycotts and the accusation that even Chick-fil-A is progressing toward progressivism one has to wonder what happened to get us to this point?  Theologian, historian, and Catholic priest Fr. Chad Ripperger offers a perspective that is hard to argue against.  Ripperger associates the rise of sexual misbehavior in our society with the growing influence of demonic forces.  I believe he is correct.  Historically the decline of a nation’s sexual morality follows a predictable pattern.  We can see it in our own history with great clarity.  

First there is a rise of impurity.  The sex act is removed from the exclusive context of marriage.  Biblically the union of a man and woman in marriage is for the two to become one flesh, to reproduce, and to provide a picture of the Trinity.  In this first stage there is redefining the sex act to be primarily recreational.  It is just for fun, so do whatever you feel like doing.  We saw that in the “Free Love” movement in the 1960’s.  It is worth asking when was the last time the church gathered to pray about or speak about being set free from the spirit of sensuality?

As we see in Roman 1 God gives sensual people over to ever degrading forms of sexual misbehavior.  Which corresponds with the second stage or phase: the rise of effeminate homosexual men.  As late as near the end of the 20th century a person could be arrested for being a transvestite.  This was part of the police action in the Stonewall area of New York. The Stonewall Riots, which occurred at the the intersection of underground homosexual activity, human trafficking and the Genovese crime family, is considered by many to be the beginning of the Gay Pride movement.  Till this point it was expected that homosexuals would keep their sin a secret.

The next phase is the rise of homosexuality in masculine men.  This is specifically marked by homosexuals coming out of the closet.  The homosexual community was very careful to make sure that homosexuals were, at least at the early stage, presented as being clean cut up standing members of the community.  Leathermen, BDSM, drag queens, NAMBLA and the more extreme expression of perversion were effectively kept out of the spotlight.  Homosexual men were invited to come out the closet especially those whose societal roles were seen as masculine or heroic.

The rise of female homosexuality typically follows.  The presentation of female homosexuals are at first more attractive.  As one Christian man once said to me while commenting on a publicity piece about a lesbian couple, “Frankly I find both of them very attractive.”  The ‘bull dykes’ again are closeted until the behavior is generally accepted.  The beautiful face, form and figure has the capacity to open opportunities not available to less appealing persons.

Historically the next stage is child sacrifice. In U.S. history we moved out of order a little.  Rather than have child sacrifice as the final stage we experienced in the sexual revolution with Roe v. Wade.  We have now entered into a new phase and that is the ritualization of abortion.  The Satanic Temple is opening an abortion clinic in New Mexico.  The Satanic Temple Abortion clinic will be available for women “who wish to perform The Satanic Temple’s religious abortion ritual.” We have at least in one place entered into ritualized child sacrifice.

So how did we get from a couple having sex out of wedlock to sexual chaos?  Simply put, as we build a vice we develop a compatibility with that vice.  When we accept as normal something that God said is wrong, we have sided with the powers of the demonic.  The powers of the demonic are never satisfied with a little, they will work for and want more and more and more.  

So what do we do?  Rather than go into great detail let me offer a few bullet points.

  • We must not compromise on the Biblical expression of sexuality and sexual behavior no matter the cost.

  • We must pursue holiness and purity in our own lives.

  • We must pray for deliverance from the temptations of the flesh and for repentance in our churches.

  • We must be willing to pay the price.  If persecution comes to the church in America I believe it will begin at the intersection of sexual politics and the practice of our faith. 

  • Pass on to the next generation at every opportunity what the Bible says about human sexuality.


Let us celebrate ‘Gay Pride’ month in sincere and heartfelt repentance and prayer asking God to begin a mighty work in our land.   

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