Matthew 12:22-37
The opposition of Jesus’ opponents grows more intense. The occasion is Jesus healing a man who is blind and mute. The powers of darkness manifest in many different ways, sometimes in the dramatic form of the demonic and sometimes in the form of the religious elite. Both are equally inept before Jesus.
Jesus’ opponents cannot deny the event of the healing, so they slander Jesus’ character to justify their rejection. The charge that Jesus is in league with Beelzebub or even possessed by Beelzebub is refuted by three arguments. First, in the midst of war a leader will not turn on his own forces and divide his fighters. Second, if the Pharisees approve of exorcism, as evident by their disciples performing it, then why did they oppose Jesus’ exorcism? Third, the exorcisms that Jesus performed were evidence that the Kingdom of God has come and the kingdom of Satan was being defeated.
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit or the unpardonable sin is a terrifying subject. While a full discussion will require more space than available here let it suffice to say that that this thought ought to both strike the fear of God in our hearts and draw us near to Him. In the larger context we see that religious elite are rejecting the work of the Holy Spirit. The miracles of Jesus are presented as coming from "the Spirit of God". While the Spirit is at work desiring to draw men to the Father through the Son, the Pharisees are rejecting the work of the Spirit. While this is an overly simple description it is a good beginning point to understand the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit is at work to bring us to the Father and away from evil and we reject Him and His work there is nothing that can get us over that hard unrepentant heart . We have rejected the only One who can set us right.
"Lord, please help me to be sensitive to Your Spirit and always eager and willing to repent and conform my whole being to Your will. AMEN"
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