Matthew 12:38-50
The demand for a sign indicates the end of faith. The truth is more than believing. Demanding a sign is the death of a humble, responsive heart that is seeking God for Himself and not for a show. The sign of Jonah was that just as Jonah was in the fish for three days, Jesus was in the heart of the Earth or in the place of the dead for three days. However, Jonah was delivered from the prospect of death, and Jesus overcame death itself.
The pagans of Nineveh repented at Jonah's preaching while a pagan Queen Sheba responded to the Wisdom of Solomon. Something greater than the prophet or the wise king or the temple has come. We are all without excuse. Do you want a sign? What could you imagine that would be a greater sign than the resurrection?
Jesus offers a grave warning and a parable. Notice the conversation started with Jesus casting out a demon. Jesus’ presence and ministry could have profound impact, but some men only want the goods He provided. This half-hearted turning to Jesus may bring short-term blessings. But once those good things are in place, if there is not a complete loyalty to Jesus the individual is unprotected from the powers of evil. The demon that was expelled returns with more demons. The first demon may not have had total control but now there are seven more demons. Notice the number seven, the number of completion. So, the man is finally fully possessed. Unless there is absolute loyalty and devotion to Jesus then All Is Lost!
The placement of the story of Jesus' family in the context is important. If there were anyone that could expect to get a pass, it would be Jesus' biological family. Jesus says that the family is something deeper than blood, something deeper than knowledge. It is obedience. So, who is the family? Those who do the Father's will. The choice for Jesus is not one and done. It is the everyday obedience and each act and moment of decision.
"Lord, I am in grave danger if I am not completely Yours. Lord I surrender to you my rights, my will, and my control. AMEN
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