Saturday, August 10, 2024

Luke 16:19-31

Luke 16:19-31

The rich man and Lazarus parable, like all of Scripture, needs to be rooted in the context. The preceding of chapter 16 has been Jesus teaching about the use of wealth. There are two powerful applications from this passage for a disciple.

First is that the devil would prefer that you be apathetic than profoundly evil. There is nothing wrong with the listed behavior of the rich man. The description of his life is not to show evil behavior but to show that he had the resources to help. Feasting is Biblically commanded and can be a good thing. This man had the resources that allowed him to feast consistently. The problem of the rich man was his apathy toward the poor Lazarus. Having received much he believed that what he was given was for his own use and enjoyment. The devil would rather a man be numb, tepid and apathetic. Such a man is much less likely to have a pang of conscience that might cause repentance. The worst case is the combination of apathy and evil, but if we don’t become both Satan prefers apathy.

The second powerful message of this parable is the priority of God’s word. Father Abraham tells us that if a person is deaf to the words of scripture then they will not be convinced if they see a miracle. The skeptic that says I will believe if I see enough proof is offering a fool's excuse.  Proof there is aplenty if we want to see, hear and trust it.  But if you don't want to believe a man coming back from the dead will not be enough. 

Sadly the ideal of repentance never occurred to the rich man while he was living. It also appears that the lack of  compassion he had in life found its way into his godless eternity. "Have Lazarus dip water on my tongue is actually saying "Send that man to the misery of torment so I can be comforted."  “Rescue my brothers”, may have been his first selfless thought in years or ever. But even in this moment he is still heartless toward Lazarus. He acts as if he were still trying to live like a king and command Lazarus to do his bidding. “Send him to dip water for me. Send him to warn my brothers''. Even in hell the hard heart is not cured.

Grant us Lord, repentance that is genuine and sincere. By your grace change my heart. AMEN

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