Friday, August 23, 2024

Luke 20:9 - 18

 Luke 20:9 - 18

We generally think of God in terms of limitlessness. He is not limited by time or in power. But God often limits Himself. We do not see the full glory of God because He limits Himself. God also self limits His patients. We are most fond of talking about God as the God of 2nd chances. And that is true. But what we really mean is that He is the God of 400th chances, or 7,167th chances, or the God of 10,091st chances. We tend to presume upon God's patience and Grace.  That we will always find that there is one more occasion when, in response to our willful sin, we can rush to God for one more round of forgiveness. That is a dangerous presumption.  It is a presumption upon God's grace and patience and one that is not supported by scripture. There comes a point where God says “enough”.

Having rejected God's call by all the prophets and finally the Son of God the vineyard owner will come and destroy those who have rejected His prophets, treated the Son with disgrace and defied God Himself. Quoting from the Psalms Jesus says that He is a Chief Cornerstone, the key point. Those who reject Him or throw themselves against him are completely destroyed. 

A life that consistently lives sinfully and presumes on God's patience and Grace is an attempt to be the center of the universe. “It is all about me so God will or even has to forgive me.” Such a person finds themselves at cross-purposes with God.  When a person is in that condition they are destroyed by the “Rock”, against which they have thrown themselves. Let us never sin with the presumption that God ‘has to’ forgive. The objective is not to find out how far into evil we can go and still make it to Heaven. The objective is Christ who is the Chief Cornerstone of life.

“Lord keep me from presumptuous sin and draw me to Christ the chief cornerstone.  AMEN”

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