Saturday, October 5, 2024

John 1:43-51

 John 1:43-51

Remember the old saying “You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet”. that might be an appropriate description of this passage. Jesus found Philip! The fact that God was looking for someone should cause our hearts to explode with the idea of being called by God. Then Philip found Nathaniel. The message of the Gospel has always been more effectively communicated in the personal connections of our natural affections and relationships.   This ought to serve as a reminder of the preiority we need to have in making disciples. but when Nathaniel comes to Jesus, Jesus begins telling Nathaniel about himself and about how long he has known him. Jesus knows Nathaniel better than Nathaniel knows himself.

That was apparently a shocking moment for Nathaniel. Because it was enough for him to have faith that Jesus was in fact the Son of God and the king of Israel. This great confession predates Peter's confession by several months. Nathaniel is overwhelmed by the knowledge the power and the person of Jesus Christ. That's when we come to the “You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet” moment. Nathaniel was impressed by a very small expression of Jesus's supernatural knowledge. Then Jesus says, “you will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man”. In other words Nathaniel, “you ain't seen nothing yet”.

We have not seen anything yet either. As we are prepared to go deeper and deeper and our relationship with Christ, He is prepared to show and do deeper and greater things with us. Unfortunately, often, we are content with a little bit of Jesus in our daily life and a routine mundane service on the weekend. In the three years that will follow Nathaniel have his mind blown over and over and over again. It will be beyond his comprehension what happens at Calvary and on Easter morning. The experience of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost the birth of the church the expansion of the Gospel around the world were all more than Nathaniel could have possibly imagined in this moment.  So with us, if we will begin to glimpse who Christ is then go a little deeper in our relationship with Him the things He has in store for us are  far beyond the Trinkets and Treasures of this world, and the experiences of this lifetime and the pathtic self image we have.  I can promise you if you will live as a disciple of Jesus, “You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet”. 

Lord, grant that I will be ever growing in my relationship with Jesus. AMEN

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