Friday, May 10, 2024

Mark 12:28-34

Mark 12:28-34

What is the greatest commandment? This question and the questioner were unlike the preceding two encountered by Jesus. While the two former questions were offered for the purpose of trapping Jesus this was different. He was coming to and listening to the debates, which may indicate that he was not one of the conspirators. His question does not have a trap set in it. Perhaps we have an honest heart honestly seeking, knocking and asking. When he hears the answer he agrees with Jesus.

Then comes a surprise. Jesus responds to his agreement by passing a judgment. The correct answer meant that he was close to knowing the Kingdom. Suddenly the tables are completely turned. The questioners came to attempt to trap Jesus by seeing if they could get Him in a non-orthodox or rebellious answer. Jesus now asserts that their answers to Him and their acceptance of His word indicate their closeness to or distance from the Kingdom of Heaven. We can never judge Jesus to see if He fits our expectations and us. Rather Jesus, both as the Judge and the standard of judgment, judges everything. Our response to Him is the measure of all judgment.

"Lord, bring Your judgement onto my life.  AMEN

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