Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mark 13:1-13

Mark 13:1-13

After being rejected by Israel in the proxy of their leaders the Lord leaves the temple. This is a momentous occasion; the God of the universe has withdrawn His presence from the temple for the last time. We can't be sure why the disciples said what they said in verse 1. Maybe it was an attempt to cheer Jesus up. Maybe they wanted to replace the negative thoughts associated with the recent conversations with the beauty and the magnificence of the temple. In verse two we see less than an upbeat comment from Jesus. Sometimes negativism is the right approach! Doom and Gloom may not be popular, but sometimes they are the right things to say.

The disciples mistakenly assume that the destruction of the temple will mean the end of the world. Jesus uses this occasion to warn about four pitfalls that need to be avoided.
  • First pitfall, in verse 2, is the danger of relying on outward adjuncts of religion, wonderful as they may be, such as a temple, these can never suffice for the presence of personal faith.
  • Second, in verses 5- 6, Jesus warns of the danger of false Messiahs, which may be extended to false teachers.
  • The third hazard, in verses 7-8, is the tumult in the world creating a distraction for us.
  • Finally, in verses 9-13, is the threat of being tripped up by the unexpected bitterness when we face the persecution for our faith.
Notice that in each case, the trouble comes closer and closer to the life of the believer. And as trouble gets closer to us our response is consistent, and that being that our focus and we remain faithful to Christ. It is only in being faithful to the end that we can have hope of the life eternal which God wants to give us.

"Lord,in the moments of difficulty that are ahead help me stay close to You. AMEN"

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