Friday, July 12, 2024

Luke 10:1-16

Luke 10:1-16

This passage is worthy of an entire book. While we are often thinking of the books of I and II Timothy and Titus as books for those in ministry, this passage is sort of a primer for those called to ministry. For the Gospel worker there are a number of practical directives for keeping their ministry effective. One that is a bit mysterious is the instruction of verses 5 and 6.

The 70 are being sent out as evangelists to do advance work for Jesus' arrival. The people they are to seek out, as the first contacts, are those people Jesus identified as a “man” or literally a “son” of peace. This does not refer to someone who is already a disciple, rather someone in whose heart there is a longing for the Gospel of peace. Jesus is directing His disciples to seek out and reach those who are already receptive, but are not yet disciples.

Today the church typically focuses most of its efforts on speaking to those who are already disciples. We in the American church often bemoan the decline of the church and we decry the moral decay of our society. But we in the church have failed to link the decline of our evangelistic and disciple making efforts with the church’s decline.

If what Jesus is saying is accurate, which is always the case, there are people in whom there is a desire for the peace of God. These people will respond positively to the gospel and will be a positive influence in their communities. These people do not currently attend church. They will not, most likely, suddenly walk into a church building and come to Christ by faith. They are waiting for the disciples of Jesus to come to them and bring the Gospel of peace.

“Lord, give me Your heart for the lost. Help me find the ‘son of peace’ in my world. AMEN”

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