Sunday, July 7, 2024

Luke 9:1-17

Luke 9:1-17

Jesus sent the disciples out with the commission and command to operate on faith. “Ministry with the minimal” might be a way to describe what they did. Verse 3 is a passage that is never quoted in church planting training or any new ministry venture. In the American church we have placed such an emphasis on massive stockpile of resources that it may have compounded our ineffectiveness. We might do well to meditate on the contrast between how Jesus sent his disciples out and what we believe we need to “do Church”. We've become so accustomed to the massive amount of stuff that a church owns that we think it is the norm. Even the smallest of churches has lots of stuff and feels that if they could get better stuff and more stuff they could be more effective.

Jesus essentially tells the disciples they are the tools of the trade. You don't need anything except My calling and My sending. Those two things are all you need. Big church or small church, if we depend on buildings, programs, and materials to be successful we will never succeed and will feel like we need just a little more.

However, we do live in a material world where food, shelter, and clothing are part of the requirements. The story of being sent out without provisions is placed next to the greatest story of Jesus' miraculous provision. But even in this story there is the call for the disciple to “be all in”. They gave their meager resources before receiving God's grand provision. Perhaps what is holding the church and the disciples back in our day is not that we have too few resources, but that we would rely on them too much. So, what do I do as a disciple? What are the positive applications of this passage? Perhaps this is a challenge to my real role as a disciple and disciple maker. Generosity towards serving, missions and out reached is worthwhile. But we ought not wait for another penny to provide provisions to the church. Those resources can get in the way of real ministries.

“Lord, help me to realize Your message and Spirit are all I really need. AMEN”

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