Thursday, June 6, 2024

Luke 2:21-40

Luke 2:21-40

If there is one question that seems to be on the lips of God's faithful people, it may well be the question, "How long?" At the circumcision of Jesus, two people finally have that question answered with the word "Now". Simeon, whose name means the "Lord has heard", has for years been waiting. He had the promise that he would not die until he saw the promised one. One might wonder how often did he ask, "How long?"

Anna was 84 years old and all her years of widowhood, as she waited for that precious moment of seeing the child, how many times did she say, “How long?” It is interesting that God apparently never answered the “How long?” question for these two, great people of faith. For God, it is evidently enough for Him to say it will happen without any details of a time line. His promises are completely trustworthy and from our perspective they are disconnected from our calendars.

If we are honest, this is an occasional frustration for us, at least at some level or another. God’s faithful promises that feel disconnected from time can be difficult to wrap our minds around. So, what do we do? The description of Simeon and Anna’s lives are perhaps good descriptions of how to live in the tension of time and eternity. Verse 25 describes Simeon in terms of a holy character living in anticipation under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Verse 37 describes Anna as a woman who served God with fasting and prayer and was constantly in the place of worship. This may be more description than prescription; it may reflect more of what their lives were like than a formula for believers. But as we wait, the waiting makes more sense as we get closer to God’s perspective. That perspective is best gained in holy living and serving the Lord.

"Lord, may my life be marked by holy living and service.  AMEN"

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