Friday, June 21, 2024

Luke 6:27-38

 Luke 6:27-38

Verse 38 is often used to motivate generosity and giving. More than a few ministers have used this verse to teach that if we put money in the offering plate God will bless us with fabulous wealth. The problem is, that is not the context of this passage. It seems unlikely that Jesus would suddenly break his train of thought to give a proof text about financial generosity.

Proactive mercy is a uniquely Christian concept. Some religions teach mercy or forgiveness in a limited way. Some actually teach revenge. Most support a negative form of the golden rule, “Don't do to others the things that you would not want them to do to you.” This passage is a radical departure from everything else we see in faith systems. Jesus calls for proactive mercy. Not just mercy in response to evil perpetrated against us, but mercy actively directed toward those who have or likely will hurt us.

Giving and sharing with people who are like us has no real proof of moral quality or character; child pornographers share their pictures with each other. If we share with those with whom we have much in common we are at least as good as a child pornographer. God gives to those who are His enemies even while they are His enemies. He is kind to ungrateful and evil men. So, that is my goal, to be like my Father and to be kind to those who hold me with some antipathy. The last line in verse 37 is unnerving, “pardon and you will be pardoned”. This is not talking about earning salvation by forgiving, but rather, if we don't forgive we become a person so twisted that we will not want to be forgiven. But as we forgive we realize how precious it is and we begin to desire it. We desire it even for others. If verse 38 were paraphrased to include the context, it might read, “Give loving kindness and it will be given to you; loving kindness will fill every corner and crevice of your life and then more. The way you pour it out is the way you will want and get it.”

“God grant that I will be  person of Your kind of mercy. AMEN”

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