Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Luke 4:31-37

Luke 4:31-37

The first time we see Jesus cast out an evil spirit in Luke's history it happens in the synagogue. This man was in the synagogue; that is more than to say he was in the building, he was part of the synagogue community. We have been shaped by popular expectation that a person possessed of an evil spirit will be a raging, raving madman, the kind that we see in Luke 8:27. The popular, spectacular, Hollywood presentation does not always fit the reality of demon-possessed individuals. This one was not apparently there because of a special occasion. It appears that his presence was normal. He doesn't appear to come bursting in. No one came to Jesus asking him to cure the man. His behavior was apparently within the range of what might be called normal. It was not until the demon was in the presence of the Son that he manifested his true identity. An important lesson here is that in the house of worship the demonic resided and was perhaps comfortable. Another lesson is that the demon was not evident for some time; he was the perfect spy and saboteur, one that was hidden in plain sight. A third lesson is that when the Lord is present the demonic manifested. In Jesus' day some people mistakenly thought Jesus’ presence was the problem. The problem was, in fact, that they could not discern the power of darkness because of an absence of the power and the presence of God.

We should not be surprised to find the demonic in our churches. In fact, of all places the Prince of Darkness would want to place his agents it would be in the church and its leadership. With his agents in the church and its leadership the church could be steered away from her first priority of making disciples. It could be distracted into fights over music, kitchens, curriculum, etc. etc. The church could be directed to bring self-serving in its ministry and indifference to the loss around her. There is more than a slight possibility that the enemy is in the church.

The objective is not a witch-hunt, to be afraid of a demon around every corner and under every rock, or to assume anyone who disagrees with us is possessed. But to realize the demonic cannot tolerate the presence of God. The objective is to be drawn closer to God and filled with His Spirit. When that happens He is more than able to deal with the powers of darkness near us and in us.

"Lord, grant me the insight to see any strong hold of evil in my life. AMEN:

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