Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Charlie's Challenge 11.26.23

  Charlie’s Challenges: Extras for the sermon 

Learning Exercise: Trigger Warning you may not like Rev 17-19

Who is the richest person you have ever met?  

Have you ever met a rich person who treated the people around hIm/her well?  What happened?

Have you ever met a rich person who treated the people around hIm/her badly?  What happened?

What is your favorite story about a hero coming to the rescue?

Who was the most beautiful bride (husbands include the line ‘besides your wife’) you have ever seen?  What made her beautiful?

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Charlie's Challenge: 11/19/2023

Charlie’s Challenges: Extras for the sermon 

Learning Exercise: Fun Facts about the Rapture 

In this learning exercise we will learn things about “Rapture Theology” you may not have known. This is not a test but a fun way to learn.  Working with the people nearest you select what you believe is the ‘best answer’.  

In which century did the doctrine of the “Pre-tribulation Rapture” of the church develop?  

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th

Who was the source of a ‘pre-tribulation rapture of the church’ understanding of Revelation?

A) Jesus, B) Pope Vennerus IV, C) Paul the Apostle, D) Martin Luther, E) John the Apostle, F) John Calvin, G) Margaret McDonald, H) John Darby

In what translation of the Bible do we first find the term ‘Rapture’?

A) Vulgate A.D. 382, B) Textus Receptus A.D. 1516 C) King James Bible A.D. 1611, 

D) Scofield Reference Bible A.D. 1909 E) New International Version A.D. 1978

Dispensational pre-tribulation rapture of the church was the result of the study of:

A) Hebrew O.T.  Scriptures, B) Greek N.T. Scriptures, C) Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, D) Latin translations of Scriptures, E) English translations of Scriptures

The dispensational pre-tribulation rapture of the church is the majority opinion of: 

All Christians today

The Roman Catholic Church

The Orthodox Church

Protestant churches

Evangelical churches

None of the above.

If there is no punishment can there be justice?  Why do you believe that to be the case?

What effect would Revelation 15-16  have/had on Christians under intense persecution?