Monday, November 27, 2017

This year Give the Gift of Wisdom:

Thanksgiving is past and we are now entering the time of year where we begin to start planning in earnest our gift giving for Christmas.  I would like for you to consider giving a copy of “The Adventures of June Bug Johnson: Growing up in the Shadow of the Proverbs”. You order these through the website at a number of different online services such as Amazon, Books-a-Million, or Barnes and Noble. 

As a wise guide there is nothing that can compare with the Word of God.  Our Father in Heaven has been around a long time and has seen a lot of history and He has told us more than a few stories.  In the book of Proverbs He has given us a marvelous amalgamation of history and story.  Each one of the proverbs is a little story in itself.  If you read the proverbs with your imagination wide open, you can almost see the events of each story that prompted each Proverb.  You get the idea that each time Solomon penned one of the proverbs he was thinking about someone.

In “The Adventures of June Bug Johnson” I have taken stories I witnessed, lived or heard about and paired them with the Proverbs of Solomon.  This collection of stories is a fun and humorous way to see that the Proverbs of long ago are wonderfully relevant for our lives.  But don’t take my word for it.  Consider these generous endorsements for “The Adventures of June Bug Johnson”.

"The homespun wisdom and humor of Charlie Crowe's book “The Adventures of June Bug Johnson” harkens back to a different age and makes you long for the days when life seemed simpler."
Ted Huskins
Vice- President and Chief Operating Officer
Northern New England Conference

"You will fall in love with June Bug and all of the vivid characters that Charlie brings to life in his first novel."
Cindy Carland
Coleman Stewardship Services Inc.

Charlie Crowe's writing pulls me in to the story making me feel a part of the moment.   Charlie paints the picture so I can feel, smell, taste and hear what is happening on the written page.  The stories not only touch me emotionally and spiritually but they also remind me of people and times in my own life when I have had the honor and privilege to be a part of God meeting someone at the point of their greatest need.  June Bug Johnson and Grandpa Lymon will entertain you, comfort you, inspire you and encourage you to keep on moving even in the tough times.  You deserve to be uplifted by this book.
Mike Winsor,
Chaplain, BSW, MM, NACC, Chairman CRM.

"Good story telling, I could picture the scene clearly in my mind as I read this and it drew me in. The lesson behind the story was well done and right on point. Enjoyed this very much."
Ray Holloway
Operator Chick-fil-a at Archer Rd.  Gainesville FL

However the news of the day comes to you, radio, TV, newsprint or streamed, it is mostly depressing.  The burden of a day’s activities can be overwhelming.  So, a few minutes reading a chapter of The Adventures of June Bug Johnson may be what the Doctor wanted you to have.  The stories presented are of a simpler time and place,  light-hearted but containing a message needed in today’s world.  Life lessons taught in a way in which they can be enjoyed and appreciated.  Try it, I think you might like it.
David Chapman,
Consultant Kairos Legacy Partners.

"I've always thought Charlie was good at telling stories.  Now that I've read about June Bug, I know he is!  If you grew up in the American South, you'll see a bit of yourself in June Bug's adventures and misadventures, and hopefully, you'll learn something, too."  
Michael Moebes,
Attorney at Law

Folksy and down home. American by birth, southern by the grace of God. These descriptions and anecdote dovetail perfectly with, "The Adventures of June Bug Johnson." I'm usually not much of a reader, but this was surprisingly enjoyable. Maybe it's because I'm a southern boy at heart, or maybe it's just June Bug Johnson is so easy to relate to. Either way, I highly recommend it. Two thumbs up!
Tim Spivey,
Minister High Springs Church of Christ

With a wit akin to Dave Barry, a tone that matches the late Lewis Grizzard, and wisdom similar to Reverend Will B. Dunn, the author tells tales that are clearly close to his heart and his funny bone.  The stories will charm the young and young at heart, saints and sinners, and the grumpy and the joyous.  Some stories will result in an uncontrollable guffaw, others a sly smile and occasionally, yes even a sentimental tear.  This is a book for all who believe in the great beauty of heart and head coming together as one.
Jeff Welch,
Pastor Dunnellon Presbyterian Church

Charlie Crowe's homespun southern humor makes for a delightful read! The characters from The Adventures of June Bug Johnson offer a good laugh and precious life lessons.
David Welsh,
Senior Minister Franklin Christian Church, Franklin TN.

Mr. Crowe’s stories have the appeal and charm of a by–gone era, reminiscent of the safe–yet–quirky world of Mayberry. He is able to miraculously create in readers a nostalgia for a time and place they have most likely never known––no small feat. Much like the writings of Annie Dillard, Mr. Crowe is also able to reveal how the holy manifests itself in the mundane and everyday existence where most of us only find sterility and darkness.
Point University
Mr. Crowe combines wisdom and humor In The Adventures of June Bug Johnson. Each story, fit for a 21st century Book of Virtues, will leave you laughing while being able to relate to the characters in the story. My favorite story was “The Worst Whipping in the History of McComb County” where young James Worth learns a painful lesion about bad influences but I won’t spoil the ending, read it for yourself.
Abigail Havens
IC2(SW) United States Navy

The Adventures of June Bug Johnson is a fresh new take on Solomon's classic proverbs. Children and adults alike will be able to take away important life lessons after seeing these Biblical texts through real world lenses. And best of all, my son just thought it was "too much fun!" It is a great addition to any homeschooler's collection.
Elise Hill,
homeschool mom of three

The Adventures of June Bug Johnson is a wholesome, humorous series of stories that the whole family will adore! Life in the Southern Heartland reminisces of a simpler time when faith and family came first. I look forward to reading and rereading this to my children for years to come.
-Mrs. Ghizzoni,
mother of two

The Adventures of June Bug Johnson Growing up in the Shadow of the Proverbs is a must read! With a modern day twist from wisdom out of the Proverbs that is brought to real life by the experience of a small, back-hills, country boy, this book will have you laughing, crying, and even asking God about your own life all at the same time. 
Reverend Jennifer F. Beagle
Women's Director, House of Hope 

This book combines classic southern story-telling with Biblical truth. Only the Lord could have foreseen Solomon's wisdom applied in such a humorous manner in the deep South. You'll laugh with a purpose as you meet colorful characters with grit, grace, or neither. 
Jim Bob McAllister 
President KEYSYS Inc.

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Monday, November 20, 2017

The case for not loving people

There is a powerful and convincing case for not loving people.  I know what the Bible says and I will get to that in a moment.  But for now let me say it again, there is a convincing case for not loving people.

There is always a reason to withhold love.
To make my point we have to go back in time a few centuries.  Picture this scene.  The most stunning woman you could possibly imagine, magnificent in beauty beyond words, stands nude under a tree, behind her and also nude, the very picture of masculine perfection.  Just a few inches over her head hangs a fruit the likes of which you have never seen.  Hanging to the side of the tree, a few feet in front of her, a serpent.  He whispers seductively to the young beauty, “You will be like God.”

Being God-like is a pretty impressive offer; there is a powerful and convincing case to take action.  To be capable of knowing good and evil could be pretty heady stuff.  The story she is told is that she will have a knowledge of evil that is not just abstract but she will know it viscerally.  To be like God, to be the one who is the end all be all.  She will be able to say of her own will, “I decree thus.”  We often condemn Eve for her choice.  We disparage Adam for his misguided loyalty, casting his lost with Eve rather than against the serpent.  But can we be sure that we would do differently?  I doubt any of us would.

When we with hold love we are believing the lie Eve believed
As evidence I submit that when we choose not to love we are succumbing to the same sort of temptation that beguiled Eve.  We are accepting the invitation to know who is good and, therefore, deserving of our love, and who is evil and from whom withholding love is a right judgment.  The invitation may not be to a tangible piece of fruit, but it is just as real.  The voice may not whisper in our ear, but it speaks clearly to our heart, our wounded pride, our ego, our craving to always be adored.  There is a part of us that hears clearly that call. 

We are never more unlike God than when we choose to withhold love.  We are never more like God than when we love, especially those who are most unloving towards us.  As I write I try to imagine a problem in the church, the world, the culture, families, or relationships that would not be made better and possibly finally cured with a gracious outpouring of love.  I can’t think of much.  Even the trauma of terminal illness is made easier to bear in the presence of love.

I hear a voice that tells me to hate people I can identify as undeserving of my love.  That voice promises a sweet experience.  For Eve the taste of the fruit may have been, for a moment, sweet.  But in the next moment there was the realization of death.  We have chewed the fruit of hate till it is bitter and still we don’t realize we are poisoning ourselves. 

There is a powerful argument to not love people.  It is the same kind of argument that convinced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.  It is the argument that tells me I can 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

A word for my wife

My wife is an amazing person.  Time would fail me if I tried to explain all of her great attributes.  Recently my wife has taken a job that allows her to blend her gift of caring for elderly and her medical experience.  She works with a company that places electronic medical alert devices with senior citizens.  She got into this line of work after it became obvious that her widowed mom needed such a device to stay in the home she loved.

My wife came to me this week excited about the special offer her company has for the holiday season.  If you have a friend, loved one, family member who is over the age of 65 you are close to someone who is at risk of falling.  Falls are the leading cause of accidental death for people over the age of 65.  One third of people over the age of 65 will fall this year; one half of those over the age of 80 will fall in the next 12 months.  If a senior falls and doesn’t get help in the first 60 minutes the chances of their full recovery diminish radically.

Protecting our seniors is easy, dignified and now more affordable than ever.  If there are seniors in your life that you care about, my wife would like to talk with you about protecting them from the pain, humiliation, suffering and possible fatal effects of a fall.  You may contact her at or go to her website