Sunday, December 1, 2024

John 14:1-14

 John 14:1-14 

There's so much wonderful material in this passage that it is sad that it is not studied more often. Verses 2-4 are exceedingly difficult to understand. The words even when translated most literally have different meanings. And the what, when, and where, are far from exact. Any interpretation of this passage must take into account the pervasive understanding of Passover.

Jesus commands us to stop allowing our hearts to be troubled.  This indicates that troubling things are a possibility. The picture Jesus paints is confidence in the midst of troubles. That confidence is rooted in the truth that in the Father's place there is plenty of room for everyone. An early English translation of this uses the word “Mansions”. The word mansion in old English might mean little more than a shed. The point is not that we will all have a great home in heaven.  Rather the point is that we will be in the company of the Father.

What does it mean “I go to prepare a place for you”? We have often portrayed Jesus since the Ascension as working like a contractor building rooms in Heaven. We have the idea that the preparation of a place is being done between the resurrection in the second coming. But that is not a very good understanding of what Jesus meant.  We can understand this a little better by asking,  “How did Jesus prepare a place for us?” Knowing “how” will go a long way to understand the place. It was by means of the cross that Jesus prepared a place for us. This is easier understood when we see that the point is ‘being with the Father’ and that is made possible by what Jesus did on the cross.

If Jesus would go to the extreme measure of the Cross to secure for us a place with the Father then we can be sure that He will also go to the effort of coming and receiving us to Himself. Like The Exodus we may have a long journey but we are assured that He who brought us out is able to bring us home.

“Lord, thank You for the way Jesus prepared a place for me to be with the Father.  AMEN”

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