John 17: 8 - 19
What is the reality of the relationship of the disciple and the church in the world? What is the fundamental experience of the people of God while they live between their conversion and their personal Resurrection? The fundamental relationship between the world and the people of God is one of hostility. The world hates the Christian and the church. For its part the church is not in the world to coddle and soothe but to challenge the world to continue the message and the work of Christ.
Jesus does not call us out of the world to a safe Christian Cloister. Rather He sends us into the world, into the midst of struggle and hostility and opposition but under the Father's protection by His word. We err equally when we, as disciples, believe we ought to sequester ourselves in the safe confines of Christian Community, seen especially in the church. When we believe that we can reform the world with our optimistic view of a better world now. If we imagine that we can affirm and endorse the world’s values, morals and ethics as they are. There is equal folly in each.
If the foundational problem in the world is that it is in rebellion towards God we will not be able to see resolution until the rebels surrender. That surrender will not occur by our escapism, surface superficial reforms, or agreement with the world’s terms of surrender. The rebel may never repent but he can be told he needs to. That telling is as apt to produce hostility, as it is repentance, maybe more. In either case we are under Divine protection. That protection is the source of our joy in the midst of the suffering.
“Lord, grant me courage under Your protection in this hostile world. AMEN”
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