John 17:1 - 8
The Son is glorified by the Father for what He will do and what He has done. In verses 1-2 we see that Jesus asked His Father to glorify Him because of the future action of giving eternal life to men. The work of Salvation on the cross is only hours away but it will rescue men for eternity. In versus 4-5 Jesus asked that the Father glorify Him for what He has already been accomplished. Jesus accomplished the work that the Father had given Him: the Incarnation, life, ministry, teaching, miracles and sinlessness of the Son were completed. Between these two statements of glorification is the description of eternal life to know the one true God and Jesus Christ sent From Heaven.
Declaring of the glory of God is never more complete and full than it is when men accept the gift of eternal life and become disciples or followers of Christ. The great sermons and lessons, the music and songs, the interjections and expressions of praise all have their place. But they remain sign posts pointing to, they are explanations and descriptions of the person and work of Jesus who came to save the lost. The marvel and tension of perfect forgiveness and perfect justice are worked out on the cross. How can a perfectly holy God at the same time fully punish the most grotesque sin and forgive the perpetrator? By the Incarnation, perfect life, and sacrificial death of God the son. The greatest composer, singer, speaker, writer, or musician glorifies God less fully than the one who says “In the Cross of Christ is God's plan of eternal life. Come follow Christ!"
“Lord, grant that I will follow faithfully and simply. AMEN”
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