Tuesday, December 3, 2024

John 14:23-31

 John 14:23-31

There is a pattern in this passage that might escape us if we are not careful. The Holy Spirit sent by the Father comes to us to teach and help us remember. Teaching here is not a new revelation of the faith.  The teaching here is the practical application of the truth, and the Holy Spirit prompts our memory of this practical application when the need for the application comes.

This flows naturally into the peace that Jesus leaves with us. This peace is not the absence of conflict.  If we live and proclaim the gospel we will have trouble in the world. Peace is not silly Pollyannaism where we walk about without the realization of the psychological tensions of life. It is not a warm fuzzy sentimentalism. Peace is the salvation that we have in Christ that is now present, but will be fulfilled when He returns. It exists in the midst of conflict, strain, and pain. It is like hope, joy, life, light, and truth. It is at the core of our being, while all the non-peace realities are at the perimeter or peripheral of our being. We need to remember the connectedness of the Holy Spirit in prompting us and helping us apply Jesus’ teaching for our daily life and His peace at the core of our being.

Note also that in this context Jesus worships and praises the Father. Verse 28 does not deny the co-equality of God the Father and God the Son, but it acknowledges the self-limitations that the Son experienced during the incarnation. There is a depth of peace and intimacy with the Father we can never have apart from living out the holy life that is prompted by the Holy Spirit helping us apply the teaching of Jesus.

“Lord, grant me the peace of holy living.  AMEN”

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