Wednesday, December 25, 2024

John 21:15 - 25

 John 21:15 - 25 

In a way John concludes his gospel at the end of chapter 20. But it is as if this is such an important point and powerful story that he wants to include one more emphatic remembrance.  In that story is the core lesson for us as disciples. After the miraculous catch of fish Jesus has a painful and restorative conversation with Peter. Jesus, after this conversation, tells Peter, “follow Me”. It is sort of a second call to discipleship; the restoration of Peter is completed. But then Peter notices that John, the Beloved disciple, is following as well. Peter asked Jesus, “Lord what about this man?” We can all learn a profound lesson from Jesus's answer. In short Jesus says “Mind your own business which is to follow me”. 

Mind your own business is great advice for the disciple. That is not to say that we are to be unconcerned about the needs of others. This is about staying focused on our walk, our discipleship. Some scholars see in this passage a rebuke directed toward the early church rivalries that apparently existed. Paul mentions such rivalries in 1st Corinthians. How much harm could have been avoided over the years of the church, and in our own lives if rather than attending to the faith walk of others we energetically focused on “our following” Jesus. This is the conclusion to the message of the Gospel of John, and it is the objective of our lives, “Mind your own business and that business is to follow Jesus!”

“Lord, help me make the focus of my life to follow You. AMEN”

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