Saturday, December 21, 2024

John 20:11-18

 John 20:11-18

Mary demonstrates the two greatest challenges we face as disciples when it comes to the practical application of our faith.  Mary, having brought the disciples to the tomb, has remained after Peter and John left.  Then it gets weird.  She was distraught over Jesus' death, that was exacerbated by finding the tomb opened and the body gone.  Peter and John believed her account but offered no answers or support.  She looks in the tomb and sees two angels, now she is really freaking out.  Next she turns around and there is someone there, the gardener perhaps.  This person asked her why she was crying and she explained the empty tomb, the absence of Jesus' body in natural terms.  We can’t judge Mary too harshly.  Emotional sadness combined with confusion and an utterly new experience could leave anyone in a befuddled state.  It is here we see in Mary our two biggest struggles.

First is the difficulty in recognizing Jesus.  “When is it that the Lord is calling or leading me and when is it my own agenda?” This is a question we need to ask ourselves often.  Is this the Lord’s direction or am I pursuing what I want and blaming it on Jesus?  Anyone who is serious about being a disciple will sooner or later struggle with this aspect of following Jesus.  But in this passage we see the atmosphere where we find the answer.  When Jesus called her name she knew it was Him.  The key is a personal knowledge of Him.  She knew Him so well that in spite of all the obstacles of emotion and circumstances of grief when He spoke she knew it was Him.  The more we listen and obey the easier it is to recognize His voice.  

Which brings us to the second challenge.  When she recognized Him she wanted to cling to Him.  This verse is somewhat ambiguous and has produced some interesting interpretations.  There is a saying, “There are no times like the times when we can say it is just like the old times.”  Jesus was back and now they could get the whole gang together and return to the traveling, teaching, and healing circuit ministry.  Just like before, hanging out with Jesus.  Humans are incurably nostalgic, we all want to go back to that preferred vision of the past.  As Christians today we have a tendency to want to get with other believers and enjoy a warm soft comfortable serving or nostalgia.  Then and now Jesus has a different agenda in mind.  His return to our Father will put an end to any “just like old times” dream.  Now is the time to get ready for the new normal, Jesus ascended and the Holy Spirit descended.  Now is not the time to huddle in our group or church fellowship.  It is the time to accomplish the Father’s agenda.  

“Lord, even in my confusion help me hear Your voice and do Your will. AMEN”

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