Monday, January 5, 2015

Moving Beyond our Comfort Zone

What is the point of moving Beyond Haran?  If you will notice in the verse posted to the right it says that Terah, Abram's daddy, set off for the promise land.  Now we know that the call came to Abram.  God was calling Abram to something very special.  But it was Terah who took the lead in the move from Ur to the land of promise.  Perhaps Terah understood that God was doing something remarkable in the life of Abram and wanted to be a part.  Maybe he wanted Abram to fulfill his calling.  Maybe he did not want to be separated from Abram.  For what ever reason Terah set out leading his family to the promised land.  When they got to Haran they settled there.  For Haran this was a return to home, of sorts, for Terah.  It was the ancestral home.  It was the good ole days, the comfortable past, the understandable and expected routine.  It was away from Ur, which is what God wanted.  It was in the right direction.  Terah got about half way to the land of the promise and he settled there

How many of use set out for the grand dream that God has for us, we make some progress, we get to a comfortable place and we settle there.  
  • I see it when a person is able to avoid the extremes of some sin or vice, but they are not really living a life of holiness.  
  • I see when organizations and businesses grow to the point that they are meeting the bills and staying in the black and hit a wall, and so they stop growing.  
  • I see it in churches that grow to large enough to do okay, but not so large as to be uncomfortable.  
  • I see it any time someone moves toward their potential, makes progress, and then settles.  
  • I see it in the mirror almost every day.

I know that God loves me no matter what I do, or how much I succeed or fail.  My value is determined by the relationship fact that God is my Father and I, by adoption, am a prince.  But as a prince I want to move beyond Haran to complete the grand adventure the Father has given to me.  I want to move Beyond Haran.


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