Monday, July 11, 2016

Prayers in the Aftermath of the Dallas Massacre

Another week and we have witnessed another horrific and logically foolish tragedy.  In an effort to prove that the lives of black people matter, domestic terrorists murdered five police officers.  As I listen to the rhetoric from both sides of the political spectrum, I would occasionally catch a glimmer of hope, but it was only an echo bouncing off the walls of our cities.  I heard from the left the warning that violence only begets violence and that non-violence is the only path for real change.  That is true.  From the right I heard the lament that the break down of society began with the break down of the home.  Again it is hard to argue against that conclusion.

What I did not hear was a single word about repentance, about the need for our nation to apologize to God for the sins that, having now been born, are bringing about death, both spiritually, literally and figuratively.  I heard about the need to learn to understand others; I didn’t hear a word about understanding that we are sinners both in corrupted nature and individual acts.  I heard about controlling guns and the police, but never a hint about the complete inability of a spiritual dead man to control his sinful nature.

America was intended to be a theocracy, but she was conceived and born with and into a Christian world-view.  Not all of the founders were orthodox Christians, but from the core of her being to the surface of her daily life, America thought in terms of right and wrong as defined by the Scriptures.   Over the last 70 years or so, we have actively removed that Christian core from our soul.  Now the veneer of a civil society based on Biblical tolerance, love for enemy, and value of all those created in God’s image is cracking.  Beneath that veneer we see a society of hate, injustice, greed, violence, and rampant selfishness. 

A few weeks ago I told a friend, “This nation is coming apart at the seams.”  It seems that I have, this week, more evidence to support my predictions.  Furthermore, no one in the public square has offered any real solutions.  This rush to self-destruction will not be averted by another conference, study, dialogue or election.  Neither Clinton nor Trump can implement solutions that will help us avert our demise.  As we choke to death on the forbidden fruit of sin there is no solution by which we can perform a self-rescue. 

A century and a half ago two nations, both driven by greed, pride and a lust for power, engaged in a fratricidal war that claimed between 620,000 an 850,000 lives.  In the south, 25% of men between the ages of 18-44 died in that war.  This week I have heard rumblings of a call for another war.  In terms of percentage of population, a similar war today would claim about seven million lives. There is but one solution: pray for revival of the church of our nation and of our lives.  To quote a prayer request from that earlier war:

Knowing that intercessory prayer is our mightiest weapon and the supreme call for all Christians today, I pleadingly urge our people everywhere to pray.  Believing that prayer is the greatest contribution that our people can make in this critical hour, I humbly urge that we take time to pray- to really pray.
            Let there be prayer at sunup, at noonday, at sundown, at midnight – all through the day.  Let us pray for our children, our youth, our aged, our pastors, our homes.  Let us pray for our churches.
            Let us pray for ourselves, that we may not lose the word “concern” out of our Christian vocabulary.  Let us pray for our nation.  Let us pray for those who have never known Jesus Christ and redeeming love, for moral forces everywhere, for our national leaders.  Let prayer be our passion. Let prayer be our practice.

            Robert E. Lee

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