Monday, September 4, 2017

Thanks for Your Help

Lazy Days in a Pick-up Swimming Pool
Thanks for your help with the Adventures of June Bug Johnson.  Some weeks ago I related that I was getting my first book published.  I asked for help in selecting a general look for the front cover.  You can see the results of our collaboration to the right.  On another occasion I asked for your thoughts on what I should put on the back cover.    I wanted to thank all of you who offered insight, suggestions, and thoughts on both subjects.

Recently, my publisher Crosslink Publishing,, sent me the final design for the book cover and the text of the back cover.  I am so excited that I am now using the book cover as the background on my phone and screen saver on my laptop; they also remind me of the 1,000 things I need to do to get ready for the release.

I wanted to send you this so that you can see how your suggestions helped me.   

Back Cover:

Take a laugh-filled, nostalgic trip to a place where we see the hopeful and dynamic power of common sense, also known as wisdom. 

Life lessons abound such as, “Jesus won’t take back your baptism” because you did something bad or that sometimes the right thing to do is to square off with a bully and take whatever comes.  Learn how a boy named after an insect could marry the prettiest girl in the county or how a drunken rat, a hoot owl, and a revival meeting converged to redirect a misguided youth’s life.  From a hog being stuck in a tree, to the painful lesson of what happens when you cuss a teacher, these and other stories, remind us that wisdom is within our grasp.

In a world that seems to have completely lost its mind, this book is able to combine the wisdom of the ages with true, though somewhat embellished, stories and show us the timeless truth that wisdom is practical and Proverbs are fun. 

When you live in the shadow of the Proverbs, life can be a pretty sweet place.  So, grab a glass of sweet tea or lemonade, relax in the shade of your favorite tree and enjoy learning wisdom along with June Bug.  

What people are saying about the Adventures of June Bug Johnson:
·      It is a great addition to any homeschooler's collection.
·      I look forward to reading and rereading this to my children for years to come.
·     Much like the writings of Annie Dillard…
·     With a wit akin to Dave Barry, a tone that matches the late Lewis Grizzard, and wisdom similar to Reverend Will B. Dunn…
·     You'll laugh with a purpose as you meet colorful characters…

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