Sunday, November 19, 2017

A word for my wife

My wife is an amazing person.  Time would fail me if I tried to explain all of her great attributes.  Recently my wife has taken a job that allows her to blend her gift of caring for elderly and her medical experience.  She works with a company that places electronic medical alert devices with senior citizens.  She got into this line of work after it became obvious that her widowed mom needed such a device to stay in the home she loved.

My wife came to me this week excited about the special offer her company has for the holiday season.  If you have a friend, loved one, family member who is over the age of 65 you are close to someone who is at risk of falling.  Falls are the leading cause of accidental death for people over the age of 65.  One third of people over the age of 65 will fall this year; one half of those over the age of 80 will fall in the next 12 months.  If a senior falls and doesn’t get help in the first 60 minutes the chances of their full recovery diminish radically.

Protecting our seniors is easy, dignified and now more affordable than ever.  If there are seniors in your life that you care about, my wife would like to talk with you about protecting them from the pain, humiliation, suffering and possible fatal effects of a fall.  You may contact her at or go to her website

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