Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The sexual revolution has set us free.

More American lives have been shipwrecked because of the Sexual Revolution
than perhaps all other tragedies in our history.
The sexual revolution has set us free.  We are free like a ship with no rudder caught in a storm.

When a revolution begins it promises a better future, the end of some real or perceived injustice and a coming day where the revolution will benefit everyone in the society if not the world.  By and large revolutions don’t work, they frequently fail to deliver what was promised and with a frightening degree of regularity eat their own.  Life in Czarist Russia was bad, but nothing compared to the horrors of Stalinist Soviet rule.   Inspired by the success of the American Revolution (one of the few that succeeded) the French revolutionaries took their monarch to the guillotine and then they took each other.    Rebellions have a way of getting out of hand and going to places and having a cost that cannot be calculated.  The Taiping Rebellion in China cost the lives of 20 to 30 million people, with some estimates as high as 100 million.  The American Civil War, which would better be described as the Second American Revolution, is still sending painful shock waves through our nation.

The shock waves of another revolution are hammering our nation today.  The historic and traditional Christian view of sexual expression is one man married to one woman for one lifetime.  Sexual expression outside of that context is, in the context of orthodox Christian faith, wrong.  But the sexual revolution has challenged that view and the results are scattered around us like mangled bodies on a battlefield.  The first two phases of the sexual revolution failed to take root.  They are little more than skirmishes before the real war began.  The first was the rise of Burlesque in the late 1860s.  It was like other traveling shows of the time but with a distinctly sexual nature.  It has been glamorized as a fixture of cowboy movies.  But this phase never took hold.  The transient nature of the shows and the Christian worldview of the nation at the time kept them on the outskirts of town and society.  The second skirmish of the revolution was the roaring 20s.   The end of “The War to End All Wars”, the booming economy and the hopefulness of man ever onward ever upward fueled the ideal that maybe sex could be rethought.  Marx thought so, as did many communists: “You must be aware of the famous theory that in communist society the satisfaction of sexual desire, of love, will be as simple and unimportant as drinking a glass of water.”  That sentiment was not restricted to Russian socialists.  But the second skirmish also failed.  The rise of liberalism in American Christianity may have lowered resistance to traditional morality but the consequences of promiscuity were as real as ever.  Out of wedlock pregnancy was still a stigma and venereal diseases could still be fatal.  Besides, a world economic collapse and a world war would, for the moment at least, distract attention from a reshaping of sexual mores.

But in the 1960s came the massive offensive of the sexual revolution.  While that generation was not less moral than prior generations it had new weapons that made the revolution more effective.  The first of these was the pill, which effectively disconnected the idea of childbearing and sex.  Later, and in the event of pregnancy, an abortion could deal with unwanted pregnancy.  It is no fluke that one of the first voices for abortion on demand came from Playboy magazine.  The revolution was also aided by the pharmaceuticals that could, for the moment, effectively deal with V.D.  The consequences of sex outside of marriage were apparently mitigated so the revolution took off.   It appeared that the Revolution’s promise of a better future with sex that was free of any and all negatives was about to arrive.  For those who wanted a traditional life were welcome to enjoy that life.  But for those who wanted a more wild sexual life their day had come.  This revolution would benefit everyone in the society if not the world. 

Sixty years into the revolution how are we doing?  Now that anything goes has the promised world of universal sexual fulfillment arrived?  Do we now live lives of universal orgasmic bliss?  Hardly, in fact, if things could be worse it is hard to imagine how! If life before the revolution was the life of a restrained, suburban, middle class family in a 1950’s past, life in the revolution is a death camp where everyone waits their turn in an oven.  By every measure we are worse off relationally and emotionally after the revolution.

The number of abortions since Roe makes the Nazi final solution seem mild by comparison.  To date for every person murderd in the Nazi death camps there have been 10 abortions in the US since Roe v. Wade.  We need to remember that every woman who has had an abortion has suffered massively.[1]

One half of children will grow up without their biological father in their home.  That carries multitudes of destructive implications too numerous to list here. [2]

Before the revolution sexually transmitted diseases were fairly uncommon and there were two primary illnesses, Gonorrhea and Syphilis.  Today, it is estimated that 100,000,000 Americans have an STD.  Ironically, infection rates seem to be highest in the Bible Belt.[3]  Perhaps our churches should spend a little less time offering cheap grace and a cool Jesus and place greater emphasis on personal holiness.  The STDs of today are more dangerous than those of the past in terrorizing ways.

The list could be endless but there is no single category of emotional, relational or spiritual health that has been improved by the sexual revolution.  As a society we are depraved to the point that, if you want, you can go to public demonstrations of the most vile forms of sexual perversion.[4]  Such a society will not last for long.  Even if God does not directly intervene it will collapse from its own rot.
So who won?
Has the sexual revolution ended? Yes!  The revolution has ended and has spiraled down into sexual chaos, we simply no long know nor can we know what is right or wrong.  In this revolution there were no winners only losers.  The losers are the powerless and the weak, women and children specifically have suffered the most.  Ask any single woman who is a woman of holiness and wants to marry a Godly man, what she is finding. Ask the child whose dad left mom and kids for the pursuit of another woman or man.  Society as a whole is a loser; everyone it touched.  The only ones who come close to being a winner are the powerful, who can exploit others for their own gratification, and they loose more than they

know.  Let me state that Christian morality did not lose.  It is like a rock that the wave of the sexual revolution throws itself against.  Psalm 2 seems to be a most appropriate passage in addressing the revolution. 

While Christian morality doesn’t guarantee a life of sexual bliss and perpetual happiness, it does protect the innocent, the weak, and those without power.  It offers the real possibility of joy, happiness and fulfillment the revolution could never imagine.  It safeguards those without power so that they may have a chance at a life of love, joy and fulfillment. 

The more this seems an impossibility we need to remember that when we live a life of vice we do not believe a life of virtue is possible.  Doubt about a Biblical view of sexuality reflects not the failure of Biblical ethics but our own corruption.  

[1] http://www.numberofabortions.com/
[2] http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/12/22/less-than-half-of-u-s-kids-today-live-in-a-traditional-family/
[3] https://www.livescience.com/48100-sexually-transmitted-infections-50-states-map.html
[4] https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/S-F-kinky-naked-romp-a-spanking-success-3192869.php

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