Saturday, September 30, 2023

Charlie's Challenge: 10.1.2023

  Charlie’s Challenges: Extras from the sermon 

Christ Amongst His Churches: Have Faith

Key verse:  

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches”

Revelation 2-3

Prophecy is not about when Christ will return, but how we are to live until He comes again.

How does this statement align with Jesus’ own teaching about when He would come again?  (Acts 1:7)

Do you ever get this sense that there is a power behind the powers in this world?  Would understanding those powers be helpful in planning out our lives, responses and reactions?

In Rev. 1:9, John links suffering, the KIngdom, and perseverance.  What might happen if one of those three were to be absent from the life of a disciple?

Before we can be comforted by Jesus we must first have a godly fear of HIm.  How are these two linked? What might happen if we have fear but not comfort?  What might happen if we have comfort, or familiarity, but not fear of Him?

Of the seven churches addressed in chapters 2-3 only two were given no criticism.  What were their individual distinguishing characteristics?  Of the five churches that need to improve, which one do you think is most represented in American Christianity today?  Why?  Which  of Christ’s compliments did you find most surprising?  

Three areas of our discipleship need our specific attention; our working for the Kingdom, our personal holiness, our perseverance.  How are you doing in each of these areas?


Perhaps the best study on the book of Revelations.  This is a classic study suitable for every generation of the church.

A short debate about Postmillennialism and Amillennialism

Use this link for a full study of Revelation

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