Monday, September 2, 2024

Luke 21: 1 - 4

 Luke 21: 1 - 4

The story of “The Widow's offering” standing by itself is an incredible story. But when one notices the context it is even more dramatic. Jesus has just completed a series of verbal sparring sessions with the religious elite. Their twisted understanding of faith is proven to be empty and barren. What follows this passage is a discourse on the destruction of the temple and the difficult days to come. Sandwiched between the emptiness of a corrupt religious system and destroyed symbols of that religious system is a story of wholehearted sacrifice and commitment.

There are more parallels and applications in this passage than we might at first expect. While this passage is not a prophecy specifically for the American Church there are applications and warnings for us. Vein, empty, self-serving religion always falls back on itself and will be ruined. In the last few generations we have seen church spending and the church industrial complex explode in terms of business. The church has spent billions perhaps trillions of dollars on everything from great buildings to seminars on every possible issue to somethings that are pure folly. We have filled the coffers and spent money on “Christian stuff” from education buildings, amusement parks, our own sub genre of music, to entertainment, home décor and fashion, but to what effect? If we look at the general condition of society we might conclude that the Christian influence has actually declined in the last few generations. If we look at the numbers we do not see a dramatic increase in the church's growth in proportion to the spending.  The term ROI (return on investment) is not a term we use in the church. Perhaps it should be. There is no doubt that the church is doing a lot with all these contributions, some of which may actually be good. 

Let’s try this as a business proposition. I come to you and propose: “Over the next forty years we will spend 1 billion dollars a year on our efforts. But at the end of that time we will not see an increase in market share.  We will however, see a meaningful decline in customer loyalty and a softening and overall strength of our market position. Are you in?”  What would you say to such a business proposition?  That is exactly what has happened in the church in America over the last 40 years.  Sadly very few are noticing and even fewer are speaking out.  

This brings us back to the Widow. The point was not the gift, but the heart, the commitment and the love of God. We need to give with that kind of love.  We must be wise in our use of God’s resources but we must make every decision out of the kind of sacrifice, commitment and love this widow displayed.  

“Lord, help me to sacrifice my all for You and Your Kingdom.  AMEN”

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