Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Luke 22:47-53

 Luke 22 47 - 53

Not waiting on God it's not a new problem. From the perspective of the disciples Jesus was about to establish an earthly Kingdom. They are anticipating that Jesus will at the coming Feast make His move to go public with the newly revived Kingdom. They are expecting that conflict might be in the making and they are armed. When Judas arrives more than one of them assumes that the battle has begun. We know this because in verse 49 we read, “they said, “Lord shall we strike with the sword?”. Notice that it is plural, this ideal of fighting was in the mind of more than one of the Apostles. It is also worth noting that Luke uses the word “said” not “asked”. It was phrased as a question but it was in reality a statement. Then without input from the Lord one of them, Peter, launches into an attack.

We need to notice the pattern here. This pattern is something that we all do. First we come with our own agenda fixed in our minds. Second we make a pretense of asking what the Lord's will is, while in reality we are trying to tell God what ought to be done. Third, without waiting for an answer from the Lord we presume to act. Fourth we find ourselves in a mess having done more harm than good.

Thankfully God's grace is so great that His mercy can shine through even in the messes we make. But how much better would it have been if we walked with God rather than running rashly ahead of Him trying to anticipate His plans. We need not doubt that the sword-wielding disciple had good intentions, he was no Judas. But at the same time harm done with good intentions is still armed. 

“Lord, grant that I may have the grace and wisdom to wait on You. AMEN”

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