Monday, September 16, 2024

Luke 23:26 - 31

 Luke 23:26 - 31

“If God did not spare His own Son...”  We often take comfort in this verse (Romans 8:32) and we should, we also need to recall the other side of the issue. Jesus turns to the weeping women on His way to the cross and tells them to save their tears for themselves and their children. Jesus is directly referring to the destruction of Jerusalem but there is a bigger picture.

If crucifixion is what happens to the one who perfectly obeys God what will become of those who defy God? If the cross awaits the innocent sin bearing sacrifice what will befall those who reject God's sacrifice, refuse to repent, and cling to the rebellion. We don't talk much about the Judgment of God. It is politically incorrect and in our society to judge is the worst of all sins.  To imply that the Judgment of God will mean that some people will not have personal peace, affluence, and a self-directed life.  This is the last thing people want to hear. Never doubt that the Judgment of God and our desire and goal for a self-directed life are completely incompatible. Nevertheless it appears that the thought of God's judgments were never far from Jesus's mind.   And If God's wrath was poured out on the green vibrant living tree of Jesus what will that wrath be like when it pours out on the disobedient and the rebellious.

God's judgments did not end with the destruction of Jerusalem. It is useless to try to plan for resistance to God's judgment. It is like an umbrella in a hurricane. It is like asking a mountain to move itself to hide us from the wrath to come. Any attempt to avoid the Judgment of God is an operation in futility. These women who came to Jesus were not notably wicked, they may have been some of the kindest women in Jerusalem. Nevertheless they were in the path of judgment. A Christian living in a wicked and rebellious society is not exempt from the judgment on that society. What we must do is live in obedience and repentance that when the fire has passed we will remain unscathed.

“Lord, grant me the grace of a true faith and a heartfelt repentance, that in the day of judgment I will find mercy.  AMEN”

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