Thursday, September 5, 2024

Luke 21:29-38

 Luke 21:29 - 38

Do we really believe the words of Jesus? The answer “yes” comes too easily and quickly. The evidence that we believe the words of Jesus has more to do with the actions of our lives than our mental processes. We may have a radio on to provide background noise but that does not mean we are listening to it. The words of Jesus may be the background noise for our lives but do we take them to heart? Do we reshape our lives according to those words?

Jesus makes the point in verses 29-33 that the end of the world and the kingdom of God are certainties. The final act of this cosmic play has begun. That act has many scenes of which the fall of Jerusalem is only one, but all the scenes point to the conclusion and the Grand Finale. Verse 32 gives us some trouble till we realize that the word generation can be translated as race. In other words the grace He has extended to the Jews will not end until the end of the age. The very existence of the Jewish people is a reminder that the age of Grace is still with us but will one day the age of this opportunity will end.

During the last epoch, or final act, there will be numerous distractions and reasons to get pulled off track. Jesus uses three descriptions of things that can weigh us down; dissipation, drunkenness, and the worries of life. But there are not causes of the distraction, but are all forms of distractions. Jesus apparently thought that hard times would come in the days of the last act and warned us to be on consistent vigil against anything that would cause us to come up short on the last day. His advice is to pray.  He does not advise that we should pray to have pleasant things but that we would be able to escape and stand. 

One of the prayers of the church pleads: “Imprint on our hearts such a dread of thy judgments, and such a grateful sense of thy goodness to us, as may make us both afraid and ashamed to offend Thee.” Is the focus of life preparing for that judgment, or do Jesus’ words provide background noise for us as we go on our merry way?

Lord, help me to live with a deep awareness that I am closer to the coming of judgment than ever before.  Come Lord Jesus.  AMEN”

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