Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Luke 21:5 - 19

 Luke 21:5 - 19 

If you want a faith that makes you comfortable and a religious commitment that will set you at ease I strongly recommend that you avoid being a disciple of Christ. If comfort and ease and satisfaction are your objectives then Christianity is not for you. The offerings collected, which are mentioned in verses 1-4, maintain the pride of the Jewish people, the temple: a building of spectacular magnificence. It was the wholehearted conviction of almost all Jews that of all things on earth the temple was the one that would last. It would continue into the Messianic Kingdom where Jews would rule the Earth and the Messiah would be king. But Jesus has a different expectation. His expectations are that this Temple would be destroyed.

In this passage Jesus blends several upsetting themes: the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, the rise of false teachers and messiahs, the chaos of world politics rather than a peaceful world ruled by a messiah, and persecution. Jesus was not very good at sugarcoating things. Verses 16-17 are amazing but not very comforting. Jesus predicts that even those closest to the followers of Christ will betray them. Parents, brothers, relatives and friends will turn on those who follow Christ. The result will be death. Jesus doesn't mention a “word of faith” or a “prayer of faith” or a “name it claim it” escaped. We are tempted to think that because this has not been a part of our national history it no longer applies.  This persecution is still active in some parts of our world and it may be a part of our future. Jesus offers no way out. There is only one way and that is to go through by faithful loyalty to the Lord.  It is not avoidance or escape but endurance that will see us through.

Jesus assures His listeners that the temple, the most solid and secure thing in the world of the Jews, would not last. Any hope other than Jesus is hope misplaced. The attempt to make Jesus a means to serve our goals and ends, to provide the good things we want, is only to find that we will not have those good things, and we will miss Jesus as well.

“Lord, let my hope be placed on nothing but Jesus’ blood and righteousness. AMEN”

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