Thursday, September 26, 2024

Why this election is so significant, and what it means for the church.

 Why this election is so significant, and what it means for the church.


#1 I am not suggesting you vote for one of the other of the main candidates

#2 I could very well be wrong, but I don’t think I am

#3 I don’t believe the U.S. is a bastion of holiness than can be saved by a political solution.

This election is very significant in two different ways, both of which are important for Christians to notice and respond to.

First, this election represents a sea change unlike anything in U.S. history.  In fact it may be a harbinger of the most important changes since 1860.  For the first time a major political party is running a candidate that was not in any way selected by the people of that party.  The appointment of Harris as the candidate from the democratic party is unprecedented.  This sets a precedent that, if followed, could result in political power brokers determining who will be their proposed leader.  Already there has been talk of the ‘value’ of shortening the campaign season for President.  The most efficient way to do that would be for party bosses to establish their candidate without having to bother with the hoi polloi.  Is what we are seeing the zygote of an American Politburo  Bureau  of the Central Committee of the One Party?   There is must that could be said on this subject, this has the potential to have a profound effect on our nation, and the church.  

Second, Donald Trump has more blatantly and willingly left the conservative values reflective of Evangelical Christians than any Republican candidate so far. Trump's position on abortion is hardly what we would call pro-life. Trump apparently sees no problem with the lgbtq+ community. And the Republican Party, under Trump's leadership, does not appear to be in the least interested in stopping the mutilation of confused young men and women by means of surgery and puberty blocking medication. Beginning in the 1970s conservative Christians have raced toward the Republican Party offering their influence and support. The Republican Party in return offered lip service and access to the halls of power. Very few people can identify one long-lasting legislative result from all the efforts of the Moral Majority, Concerned Women for America, the Christian Coalition or any other Christian conservative political action committee. During this time the American church has lost its way in regard to its raison d'être and as a result is dwindling both in numbers and influence. So much so that a shrewd politician, which is what Donald Trump is, recognizes that there is greater value and moving away from Conservative Christian beliefs than holding on to them.  

What will be the result of these two political shifts in American politics?  I am hopeful that the shift will result in the church returning to its primary purpose of making disciples. not Republicans not Democrats not conservatives not liberals simply people who love Jesus and want to shape their lives around following him. politically I don't have a lot of hope for this nation.   However, I am extremely positive about the ultimate victory of the kingdom of God. even if that victory means we must experience losses and lesser areas of our lives.

Please share any thoughts that this post brings to mind.

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